How To Go Back to School with Joy!

Days of laying out by the pool, lazy vacations and fresh watermelon will soon come to an end.
The Fall is a bittersweet moment for parents and teachers. Kids are thrilled to reconnect with friends. Families are excited to get back into the rhythms of the school year.

For many kids, school is not a friendly place.
Whether it’s frustrating homework, a devastating bully, or the ever-shrinking school budget, going back to school can be tough.
What if educators and parents came together to fill schools with joy?
Our next Roundtable features Joy Starts Here! co-author Shelia Sutton. She is a 25 year Master Teacher and developer of “The Kindness Project.”
You will learn how administrators, leaders and teachers can develop joy-filled patterns in educational systems.
We’ll also discuss how Life Model Works trained speakers can provide training for your school district!

How To Go Back to School with Joy!
A Rountable Joystream
Tuesday, August 4, 12 EST

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