How You Can Help Spread Joy in Korea

The Life Model is being applied to help people—literally, around the world—live a joyful, thriving life!

One of our joys is to travel the world helping teach relational brain skills in a variety of settings. This September, Jim and Kitty Wilder will be traveling around Korea for a number of exciting opportunities.
Their first stop will be in Seoul, South Korea,. They will be joining Ed Khouri and Dr. Karl Lehman for a special book launching event.
Afterward, they’ll join a local leader named Elijah Lee and his team. Lee is currently strategizing how to take Joy Starts Here to the cities, streets and students of Korea. His team visits Korean cities training local believers to use arts and sports for youth evangelism.
In a recent 3 week tour, they had the opportunity to preach the gospel to the 12,000 youth and university students. They witnessed over 3,000 people responded to the gospel either by committing their lives to Christ or by making re-commitment!
Youth outreach work is intense and stressful in many ways. These artists, performers and teachers desire joyful relationships with God and with one another in their personal life, family life and the community. They envision building multi-generational communities that practice an Immanuel lifestyle. They dream of seeing the youth they minister to grow in maturity, as individuals and in their relationship with God. Elijah tells us, “We definitely want to help develop practical brain skills in our relationships!”
Jim, Kitty, and Ed will be arriving just after a Joy Starts Here camp for North Korean youth. They will work to assist with developing a joy-based discipleship program.
At this time, the trip is still unfunded. However, we at LMW are committed to helping Elijah’s team with its vision and see the spreading of joy into some very low joy parts of the world. We are excited to see how God will provide!

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