Is Your Community Doing Discipleship? Pt . 2

In last week’s blog we talked about how community relates to discipleship. This week I want to look more closely at exactly how Jessie Cruickshank explains the process of growth-oriented discipleship in her book Ordinary Discipleship.  Jessie uses the process of the hero’s journey as an outline for discipleship. The hero’s journey is a 7-step […]

Is Your Community Doing Discipleship? Pt. 1

Community is such a buzz word right now. Community centers, community groups, online community, gym community, and even Starbucks is advertising the sense of community between their baristas and customers. There is a significant push to take our daily tasks and orient them around the word or feeling of “community”. The question is, if we […]

Your Best Self Asks for Help

If you have been around the Life Model for a while, you have probably come across the maturity charts.  One aspect of child level maturity is learning to ask for what you need. Just that idea alone brings up all types of different reactions in each of us. Everyone has different thoughts, questions, arguments, fears […]

50 Jesuses Partying on a Beach

As we learn to live from love and not fear, we can also use the tool of Immanuel prayer to find our best self with Jesus. For me, finding my best self with Jesus means leaning into His joy for me when I feel loneliness overwhelming me. Now, a person can be alone and not […]

Hosting Your Best Self

Several years ago in college, I had the privilege of reading Dallas Willard’s Spirit of the Disciplines. That book, among other of his works, impacted me deeply. One of Willard’s explanations that caught me was his view on the spiritual quality of hospitality.   The spiritual gift of hospitality is commonly described as hosting someone in your […]

Immanuel & Grief

By Mercy Johnson It happens to each of us at some point, that internal longing for someone who is gone. One of the sorrows of our sinful and broken world is relational disconnection through death, unhealthy relationships, or other causes. Within Life Model-based training, we refer to this as attachment pain. Unresolved attachment pain causes […]