Give to Continue Kitty Wilder's Life Work

Life Model Works is forming this Memorial Fund in consultation with Dr. JIm Wilder. Every dollar given will go to the following two projects which Kitty enthusiastically supported:

  1. Scholarships for Thrive Training.
    • Kitty was a Thrive Trainer for years. She helped develop Thrive training. Thrive Training is the best in-depth, whole brain training available to impart the Life Model to people through retraining brains to live like Jesus, in what Thrive Today calls 19 Brain Skills.
    • Thrive Today was founded by Life Model Works and continues to be a close partner of our ministry. Many people don’t have the financial resources to complete all three tracks. These scholarships will help make relational transformation available to those needing financial assistance in attending.
    • Life Model Works will partner with Thrive Today to make these scholarships available to those in need.
  2. A Life Model Works Advanced Development Team to develop the theory of the Life Model on the issue of “Women, Attachment and the Church.” As a retired Nazarene minister, Kitty was passionate about the local church, and about the church becoming the People of God. Life Model Works is preparing to launch several Advanced Development Teams, which have long been a priority for the Wilder’s.
    • This “Women, Attachment and the Church” team will study attachment theory and how women bond and form lasting attachments. Churches often misunderstand how women attach and can create ministries and environments that are not conducive to the way women form bonds. This focus will study both theory and take part in practice.
    • Women can feel like the church was not really designed for them. Women can feel deeply a disconnect between what many churches offer and their way of connecting and giving life.
    • Life Model Works will convene a team of ten to fifteen people to focus on this topic. The team will meet twice per month for a year, with Dr. Jim Wilder, and Rev. Michel Hendricks. The team will work on both theory and practice. Dr. Jim Wilder will guide study of the latest brain science directly related to “women, attachment and the Church.” Then the team will develop Life Model practices to flesh out the theory, thus forming a healthy balance between theory and practice.
    • Our goal is that after a year we will have deepened the Life Model in this area, developed the theory and have practical applications ready to help the Church.

Give here in memory of our friend and Life Model Champion, Rev. Kitty Wilder:​

All gifts are tax-deductible and will be designated for the two projects above. If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing ​