This is a great place to start learning about the Life Model with books, webinars & seminars, online resources, and more. Jumpstart your transformation today!
This is where transformation happens!
Small groups are necessary to develop community, learn relational brain skills, and grow in maturity, which is why we offer a variety of groups throughout the year.
Online Study Groups form three times a year and meet online for several weeks.
We are developing an online community hub for ongoing connection, interaction, and training.
Our Partners also offer related groups with the Life Model at the core.
Check out our newest Study Groups and Spiritual Life Coaching groups!
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Collaboration, Acceleration, Transformation
This is where transformation takes root!
Integrating the three elements of the Life Model into churches, groups, and organizations is a passion of ours.
We provide personalized guidance to implement the Life Model, unique small group curriculum, and collaborate with practitioners to further develop and enhance what you can offer.
The good work of spreading the Life Model is only possible through the support of our generous partners.
We are especially grateful for our monthly supporters who keep the model developing and the staff working month after month.
Life Model Works has a God-ordained history, an amazing staff, a network of dynamic collaborators, and a proven model for transformation.
We invite you to discover Life Model Works and join the joy-filled movement growing a fearless people who love like Jesus!
This is a ministry growing at the speed of relationships and we’d love to connect with you. Just fill out the short form and one of our dedicated team members will reach back to you!
Also, if you are looking for our ministry partners, glance to your right and you’ll find their name. One click takes you to them!
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with Dr. Jim Wilder & the Life Model Works Team
God designed our bodies to use fear to escape danger. God didn’t design our bodies to live in a constant state of fear. Living in fear, with our bodies surging with powerful hormones, all day long is killing us.
What is the solution?
Experience two interactive Breakouts on the topic of fear and toxic motivations. Walk away with practical tools that you can apply to your work right away.
Note: Everyone who registers will gain access to the recording after the seminar.
Participants will break into a live small group session to engage regarding the session one’s presentation.
Participants will break into a live small group session to engage regarding the session two’s presentation.
Dr. Jim Wilder (Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, and M.A. Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary) has been training leaders and counselors for over 27 years on five continents. He is the author of multiple books with a strong focus on maturing and relationship skills for leaders. His coauthored book Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You has sold over 100,000 copies and is printed in eleven languages. Wilder has published numerous articles and developed four sets of video and relational leadership training called THRIVE.
He is the founder and chief neurotheologian of Life Model Work, a nonprofit working at the intersection of brain science and theology that is building contagiously healthy Christian communities through equipping existing networks with the skills to thrive. Dr. Wilder has extensive counseling experience and has served as a guest lecturer at Fuller Seminary, Biola, Talbot Seminary, Point Loma University, Montreat College, Tyndale Seminary and elsewhere.
Rev. Ray Woolridge (MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Seminary, and Master of Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College) became the Executive Director of Life Model Works on September 1, 2020. He is thrilled to serve in a role that combines his pastoral and leadership experience with his calling, giftings and walk with God. The principles behind the Life Model are transforming his life, work, and personal relationships every day.
Ray is a retired U.S. Army Chaplain (Brigadier General) with 43 years of service with the military, in uniform or as a civilian. A skilled public communicator, he also gets joy in coaching leaders to discover their uniqueness and unleash their potential. Ray has led in two congregations, as a church planting pastor and as pastor of adult ministries. Ray is thankful to partner with Life Model Works to come alongside existing networks to implement Life Model principles in their context.
Michael Sullivant is the Director of Relational Networks for Life Model Works. He is a church planter, pastor, author, poet and speaker. He has ministered in over 25 countries through over 40 years of public ministry. Michael and his wife, Terri, have 5 adult and married children and a growing number of grandchildren. His latest book is Thinking Biblically About the Life Model. Terri, recently published her first book, The Divine Invitation – Entering the Dance of Becoming Fully Alive.
Michael is involved with ministry and church leaders and change agents who are seeking to integrate more relational approaches to helping people in their groups mature and experience deeper and lasting identity transformation into the image of Jesus Christ.
Michel Hendricks is the Director of Life Model Consulting. Michel Hendricks (MDiv, Denver Seminary; BS. University of Colorado, Boulder) has been a pastor, missionary, inventor and author. He has been a teacher and trainer for more than 25 years. He is the former pastor of spiritual formation at Flatirons Community Church near Boulder, CO. He has also served and trained in Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda. He is the author of Basic Training for Walking with Jesus and co-author of The Other Half of Church. He works with churches and organizations to help bring maturity and the transformation of character back into the center of Christian practice.
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