Disarm Distraction to Create Sustained Joy

Life is busy. There is no shortage of things, people and activities to compete for space in our schedules. How can we match our values with our calendar? Sometimes our best intentions, no matter how hard we try, fall short of desired results. Just remember how hard dieting, exercising, Bible studies or even prayer times can […]

Use Two Brains to Amplify Your Joy

This is part two in Chris Coursey’s series “7 Solutions To Sustain Your Joy.” You can read Part 1 here. Because the brain is a natural amplifier, we amplify joy as joy is shared with another brain. Much like a teeter-totter, joy stops when we have no mirror to amplify our joy. This is why […]

What to do when your relationships feel frozen

We’re built for relationships. We thrive when we know that other people are glad to be around us. This is what we at Life Model Works call “joy.” Joy can be easy to start but all of us must learn to sustain our joy over the long haul. Relationships, marriages, families and churches who fail […]

If communication alone solved marriage problems

If communication alone solved marriage problems we would: solve our arguments with text messages email a solution talk a little longer and then feel understood listen our way to satisfaction … Common wisdom is that improving communication will improve a marriage. Now after decades of trying and dozens of approaches to improving communication, we should have […]

19 skills that change lives!

Learning relational brain skills, like the ones we’ll introduce in our upcoming Thrive JOYStream, can completely change your life! Just ask Chris Coursey, a former slave to fear and alcohol and now a director at Life Model Works. A Life Controlled by Fear Getting cussed out by his alcohol counselor was a turning point for Chris […]