Passing the Peace During Kiev Air Raids

This blog is sponsored by the special donations made to help Life Model Works share the love and peace of Jesus with people in Ukraine! Thank you to all who contributed to the Ukraine trip for LMW. We were able to teach passing the peace in the middle of a war. Our team was active […]

A Dedicated and Gifted Team

This blog is sponsored by the special donations made to help Life Model Works share the love and peace of Jesus with people in Ukraine! Thank you to all who contributed to the Ukraine trip for LMW. We were able to teach passing the peace in the middle of a war. Our team was active […]

Resources for Creating Transformational Small Groups

(Part 10 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Having explained the practices, pitfalls, and perils of talking things through to find “peace,” let’s turn our attention to resources that can help. These materials encourage the development […]

Finding Identity and Transformation by Seeking Things Above

(Part 9 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Followers of Jesus are in the process of being transformed into the image of Jesus. We are born into an entirely new identity from the moment we receive […]

Grace as a Foundation for Peace in Your Small Group

(Part 8 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri The word grace was around for hundreds of years before Paul used it in his epistles. Grace is a relational term that implies an ongoing, mutual connection between […]

Breaking Through the Fog

(Part 7 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Looking back over the previous blogs, it is clear we have been misapplying what the Bible says. In a sense, we have been creating fog around the topic. […]

Sharing Wounds and Pain to Develop Attachment and Intimacy

(Part 4 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Getting to know each other by talking things through is often used in Christian circles to form spiritual community. We get to know each other by discussing as […]

The Shortcomings of Trying to Talk our Way Back to Peace 

By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri  (Part 3 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven:  Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”)  God sees through heaven’s eyes — an infallibly gracious perspective. Until you and I are with Him, our objective is to cultivate peace in our lives by sowing […]

Why we lack peace when we are hurt or upset

By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri (Part 2 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) When what people say about us — or how we are treated — does not fit who we believe we are, we feel hurt and upset. It feels […]

Playgrounds for Avatars: “Talking it Through to Find Peace”

By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri (Part 1 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure. Matthew 6:21, The Passion Translation Life experiences and relationships shape us. For those who follow Jesus, […]

Living Books While Living From the Heart Jesus Gave

By Chris Caputo My wife, Rebecca Caputo, recently received a text from her dear friend, Pam. Pam was overflowing with joy while getting on a plane flying from Michigan back to Kansas City. She was returning from the “Awaken: A Living Books Conference” event designed for home educators and living books libraries.  She was especially motivated […]

Acting Like Myself In Row 6

By Shari Ausley, Life Model Works Board Member Bio: Shari Ausley is a new empty-nester. In 2005 she started a K-12 Christian school in central Florida, a member of Ambleside Schools International. Prior to that she was in full-time Christian service with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). She currently serves on the Board of […]

“Be Anxious For Nothing…” Became Possible For Me

By Margaret Webb, Life Model Works Board Member As a child I grew up with inadequate secure attachment and then launched myself into animmature, traumatized ‘adulthood’. A life filled with anxiety was inevitable. I had no idea howto obey Phil 4:4-9. Be anxious for nothing was an impossible goal.I remember that at some point in […]

Parenting Kids Through Summer

By Chris M. Coursey, THRIVEtoday President Summertime is meant to be fun for our families. We play at swimming pools, soak in sunshineat the beach, go camping, run outside, ride bikes, and more adventures. Summer means comingup for air before school starts in the Fall. Summer is officially in full swing. In the past week, […]

A Sweet Spot For Kids

by Marlene Allen, Life Model Works Board Member Twelve-year-old Tess had one question for me as her children’s pastor, “Why is God always mad at us? I picture Him with a bat ready to get me if I do something wrong”,  This simple question began my quest to discover why children would have such a […]

Vision and Leadership

by Ed Khouri “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”-Proverbs 29:18 I often hear this verse misquoted to explain the importance of articulating a clear and compellingvision for people to follow. Immature leaders with vibrant, personal charisma are especially at risk ofmisusing this verse. Viewed in context, the original word translated as vision refers […]

Lauren Staten​

My Life Model Story Her lawyer introduced her to Life Model Works and now she reports, “I am a completely different person. The person I am now has peace and joy, is able to be tender and gentle with my children. And, there is so much more!”

Dusty Disciples

By Ed Khouri Dear Life Model Community, It’s a joy to be covered in dust with you! Let me explain. In biblical times, many rabbis and teachers had followers. The Gospels report huge crowds listened toJesus teach. Multitudes traveled long distances, hoping for a miracle and eagerly awaiting His words. Butthen, as now, there was […]