Joy-filled Parenting

I have been a mother for 51 years and a grandparent for 27. I have been a nanny and a counselor. I have done many jobs with children and teens at churches I have attended.  Nothing has impacted my views on parenting like learning from Dr. Jim Wilder and Life Model Works. I had never […]

What is the Life Model?

The Life Model is a unifying approach to the ministries of counseling, recovery, pastoral care, prayer ministry, deliverance, inner healing, child rearing, body life and health. The Life Model is a multigenerational model of redemption and maturity from conception to death. While the Life Model incorporates the best in science and medicine, we were careful […]

The Spirit of a Sound Mind

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I believe that Dr. E. James Wilder (a neurotheologian), Dr. Karl Lehman (a psychiatrist) and some of our friends who are at the center of Life Model Works and their body of work are making a very significant contribution to our understanding of a particular aspect of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how He works […]

Always Miserable? Try These Three Steps to a "New Normal"

Do you wake up feeling anxious? Do pleasant experiences drift away quickly? If so, it might be because your brain considers that to be “normal.” Before we turn two years old, we develop a sense of “normal.” All sorts of factors can contribute to this development. For instance: If our family is depressed, depression becomes […]

Steal this Method from Two Year Olds When You Feel Upset

We have all encountered people who are running around upset looking for someone who will listen to their problems. We may even do this ourselves from time to time. Because we are waiting on someone else, we stay upset until we can find a good listener to validate our feelings. Good listeners are somewhat scarce. […]

How Do You Ensure Life Long Mental and Spiritual Health?

Every time I go on a hike, I reach a point when I need to rest. Sometimes it happens frequently, such as along a difficult pass. Other times it’s just because I’ve reached the apex and the views around me beg that I just “be” there amongst the beauty. I can assure you that hiking […]

How Do You Ensure Life Long Mental and Spiritual Health?

Every time I go on a hike, I reach a point when I need to rest. Sometimes it happens frequently, such as along a difficult pass. Other times it’s just because I’ve reached the apex and the views around me beg that I just “be” there amongst the beauty. I can assure you that hiking […]

Three Chances to Hear Ed Khouri on the Radio!

You can hear Ed Khouri, co-author of Joy Starts Here on an upcoming episode of Beyond Abuse Radio. Ed will introduce many of the ideas from Joy Starts Here. He will also provide a framework for some of the concepts in Connexus, the Life Model Approach for Churches. Here’s the description of the 1st episode which you […]

The Problem with Healing

One of the quickest ways to start a theological argument is to start throwing around the words, “Inner Healing,” or “emotional healing.” Like a group of grizzly bears with fresh meat, heresy hunters, those self-appointed internet guardians of all things Christian, will rip the term – and the unwary feeder – apart. Name calling, personal and […]

How storytelling holds the key to a joy-filled lifestyle

The human brain has the remarkable ability to craft coherent stories and create meaning from personal experiences. At Life Model Works, we call this skill “telling four-plus stories.” These are stories that engage all “four levels” of our brains. When engaged this way, the right hemisphere of the brain synchronizes with the left hemisphere. The left hemisphere relies […]

Five Tips for Being Approachable

Sometime interactions are easy. Sometimes they are a lot of work. What’s the difference? To experience sustained joy, we need relationships that feel safe, stay open and connected. One way to describe this process is “engaging the approach system.” What exactly does that mean? Well, it helps to know a little about the brain. At Life Model […]

NPR on Children, Loneliness and "Stupid Phones."

women looking at cell phones

Life Model Works is committed to reviving 19 relational brain skills. The need for these skills are greater than ever, especially with the increasing amount of communication that takes place online. A recent story from NPR News discussed the effect that use smart phone us has on children. According to a report covered in the […]

The Secret of Everyday Joy

Joy shouldn’t be a secret. It’s just too important. Joy is what ignites the process of personal and spiritual transformation. If you are trying to grow or change, joy is the key ingredient that makes change last. With joy, marriages thrive. Couples connect. Family members feel seen and valued. With joy, students become more focused. […]