Becoming an Extra Parent 

By Dr. Karen Struble, Clinical Psychologist  In recent years the number of Western-world households without children has risen tremendously.  Reasons abound. Some folks search for a suitable (a.k.a. real grown-up) mate, but cannot find one.  Others suffer the pain of infertility or other medical conditions.  Still others are fertile couples who choose not to bear […]

Responding to a Connection Invitation

By Marlene Allen “Mom! Dad! Look! Look at me!” is the cry of a young heart.   “Look at me. See me. Validate me. Affirm me. Help me become my own person by acknowledging that my actions have meaning. Enjoy this moment with me. It’s part of me forming my own personality. It’s me venturing out […]

Hosting Your Best Self

Several years ago in college, I had the privilege of reading Dallas Willard’s Spirit of the Disciplines. That book, among other of his works, impacted me deeply. One of Willard’s explanations that caught me was his view on the spiritual quality of hospitality.   The spiritual gift of hospitality is commonly described as hosting someone in your […]

Finding Identity and Transformation by Seeking Things Above

(Part 9 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Followers of Jesus are in the process of being transformed into the image of Jesus. We are born into an entirely new identity from the moment we receive […]

Grace as a Foundation for Peace in Your Small Group

(Part 8 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri The word grace was around for hundreds of years before Paul used it in his epistles. Grace is a relational term that implies an ongoing, mutual connection between […]

Breaking Through the Fog

(Part 7 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Looking back over the previous blogs, it is clear we have been misapplying what the Bible says. In a sense, we have been creating fog around the topic. […]

Sharing Wounds and Pain to Develop Attachment and Intimacy

(Part 4 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Getting to know each other by talking things through is often used in Christian circles to form spiritual community. We get to know each other by discussing as […]

Relational Discussion or Enemy Mode Argument?

My enemy mode tendencies almost did some damage recently. Becoming relational takes time as neural pathways (FAST track) get retrained.  I almost fell into a well-worn path in a discussion that ended relationally but could have taken a turn.   My wife Deborah and I are moving this summer.  After hundreds of hours on house hunting […]

From Brokenness To Relational Wholeness

By Rebecca Caputo When I was handed a little green book several years ago, I didn’t for a moment expect it to rock the foundation of my beliefs or my life. In my early 40’s I read, “Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You” by Dr. Jim Wilder et al and it changed, well, literally […]

Dusty Disciples

By Ed Khouri Dear Life Model Community, It’s a joy to be covered in dust with you! Let me explain. In biblical times, many rabbis and teachers had followers. The Gospels report huge crowds listened toJesus teach. Multitudes traveled long distances, hoping for a miracle and eagerly awaiting His words. Butthen, as now, there was […]

How to Develop Joy Strength

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Would you like to increase your joy and displace the internal emotional pain in your life? The key is […]

The Family of God

By this we know love that He gave his life His self-sacrifice … the Passion Play Once we who were takers become the receivers A new culture is born in this way We b’long to new friends in this Spirit of rest No more to be left all alone  This family reflects back who we truly are […]

Brain Joy-Flow

The flow begins at bottom right For a caring one who’s full of light Delights to be with me Next the hub for my alarm Alerting me to cause for harm But all is quiet now I ask then, “Am I understood?” By others who will do me good I feel assured I am So joy […]

To Adore Is To A Door

It seems we’re always striving for opportunities To make our mark upon the world Our insecurity to ease We want to find significance in a noisy day The many voices drown us out So we push to get our say Working hard to find the doors that lead to open seas We trample love into […]


Trusting, dependent, adoring, responsive Too honest for acting unreal Open and curious, willing to bond This is what children reveal Christ said that we must become just like them In the kingdom of God to share Let’s lay down our pride and humbly decide The stigma is worth it to bear In Matthew 18:2-4, Jesus’ […]

Mirrored Thoughts

Life rushes by at flurried pace Unless I clear some sacred space To adore the Source of all gifts good And grace appears to change my mood My thoughts return to traveled miles That reapply forgotten smiles I live again sight, sound and smell Deep thanks drawn up as from a well Wind, quake and fire weren’t […]

A Hearing Heart

In King Solomon’s story there is a grand clue To being God’s friend … it’s for me, it’s for you The young king was tender, he loved the Lord greatly God came near in a dream to see if he was stately “Ask what I shall give you,” bid God to the king His response holds the […]