The New Self is the True Self

But that is not the way you learned Christ!— assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus,to put off your old self,which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires,and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,and to […]

What My Best Self Believes About God

By Jen Pfeiler “Write the first five things that come to your mind when you think about God,” Lydia calmly instructed. She looked around the group of just under a dozen fellow ministry students. Throughout our time together, we took turns instructing the group. It was her turn to teach and I could sense her […]

50 Jesuses Partying on a Beach

As we learn to live from love and not fear, we can also use the tool of Immanuel prayer to find our best self with Jesus. For me, finding my best self with Jesus means leaning into His joy for me when I feel loneliness overwhelming me. Now, a person can be alone and not […]

My Best Self With Immanuel

By Marlene Allen Over the last couple of weeks, the Life Model Works team has shared what it means to be your best self, versus your false or avatar self. Now and in the coming weeks we will dive into the theme of what it looks like to be your best self with Immanuel.  “I […]

Immanuel & Grief

By Mercy Johnson It happens to each of us at some point, that internal longing for someone who is gone. One of the sorrows of our sinful and broken world is relational disconnection through death, unhealthy relationships, or other causes. Within Life Model-based training, we refer to this as attachment pain. Unresolved attachment pain causes […]

Passing the Peace

There’s a lot going on in the world. When current events in the church and in the world at large threaten to steal our peace, we have a better way through Immanuel. Watch our latest video as Michael Sullivant and Jen Pfeiler demonstrate the simple steps to passing the peace amid life’s hardships. Download the […]

Recordings that Reach & the Translator’s Journal

This blog is sponsored by the special donations made to help Life Model Works share the love and peace of Jesus with people in Ukraine! Thank you to all who contributed to the Ukraine trip for LMW. We were able to teach passing the peace in the middle of a war. Our team was active […]

Testimonies from Friends in Kiev

This blog is sponsored by the special donations made to help Life Model Works share the love and peace of Jesus with people in Ukraine! Thank you to all who contributed to the Ukraine trip for LMW. We were able to teach passing the peace in the middle of a war. Our team was active […]

Passing the Peace During Kiev Air Raids

This blog is sponsored by the special donations made to help Life Model Works share the love and peace of Jesus with people in Ukraine! Thank you to all who contributed to the Ukraine trip for LMW. We were able to teach passing the peace in the middle of a war. Our team was active […]

Discovering how to escape enemy mode

The struggle is real and happens to me every day. I escaped again this morning. Explaining enemy mode is easy for me; reliably escaping is the work I will be doing with my people every day the rest of my life. Enemy mode enemy mode affects everyone around me, flowing outward in concentric circles from […]

Christmas Peace

We see two important words often during the Christmas holiday: joy and peace. We see them on Christmas cards, and we sing them in songs. At Life Model Works, we talk a lot about the importance of joy in lives. Our brains were designed with joy in mind, and when our joy gets low, life doesn’t work well. However, in this article we are going to focus on the other important word: peace .

The Green Zone

How can your life become a “green zone”? By Ray Woolridge When I served in the Army deployed in the Middle East, the only “green zone” was near the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.  It may have been the most protected zone in the city, but green it was not.  The “green zones” I think […]

From Brokenness To Relational Wholeness

By Rebecca Caputo When I was handed a little green book several years ago, I didn’t for a moment expect it to rock the foundation of my beliefs or my life. In my early 40’s I read, “Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You” by Dr. Jim Wilder et al and it changed, well, literally […]

Dusty Disciples

By Ed Khouri Dear Life Model Community, It’s a joy to be covered in dust with you! Let me explain. In biblical times, many rabbis and teachers had followers. The Gospels report huge crowds listened toJesus teach. Multitudes traveled long distances, hoping for a miracle and eagerly awaiting His words. Butthen, as now, there was […]

Finding peace in disaster

What disaster are you facing today?  We have all been shaken by news of another war and the painful images of displaced people fleeing for their lives.  While you may not be facing a disaster today, know this: the time to prepare for disaster is BEFORE it happens.  This is true for every human being:  […]

An Immanuel Healing Story

by Michael Sullivant, Director of Relational Networks, Life Model Works Nothing moves my heart of love toward God more than discovering that He knew me, cared for me and reached out for me many times, long before I was fully ready to put my trust in and follow Jesus Christ as the Lord of my […]

The Difference Between Appreciation & Gratitude

While working on a writing project I was asked, “Why don’t you use the word gratitude instead of appreciation?” The person asking is a fan of the Joyful Journey book and the interactive gratitude process taught in it, as am I. At first, I thought, “why not?” Everyone is on the gratitude craze right now… Ann Voskamp, […]

Living from Your Heart Rather Than Your Hurts

What’s the difference between living from your heart – and living from your hurts? Dr. Jim Wilder is the author of Living From The Heart Jesus Gave You. He helps us understand the difference between living from your heart and living from your hurts. “Living from your hurt means that you are looking at your life according to what you need to […]

What's Missing? The Immanuel Lifestyle!

Last weekend I attended the Annual Gathering of folks who love Life Model Works. The focus was Living an Immanuel Lifestyle. I heard two speakers, both heads of ministries, say, “I was missing something in my relationship with Christ–and what I was missing was the relationship.” We spent the next two days looking at this […]

F.A.Q.'s About the Life Model – Part 2

Dr. Jim Wilder frequently receives questions about The Life Model. Michael Sullivant, a pastor and proponent of the Life Model, has collaborated with Dr. Wilder to answer some of these frequently asked questions which we now present to you in this new Blog series. F.A.Q. #2 – How can we attribute “God’s words” to human […]