Part 1: Why Gen Z Needs Elders

By Hannah Ploegstra The people who are now on deck to be the next elders in our society are the generation we call “Baby Boomers” (born 1946-1964). Because one of the core missions of the Boomer generation in their young adult life was to break free from the controlling grip of their elders (parents, grandparents, […]
Partnering at Every Turn

A Blog by Marlene Allen What excites me about the executive director position? I can sum it up with the word partnering. First, partnering with God’s incredible design of the brain is foundational to our message. For example, Dr. Wilder said, “Jesus knew when he created the brain that one day He would have to […]
Vision and Leadership
by Ed Khouri “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”-Proverbs 29:18 I often hear this verse misquoted to explain the importance of articulating a clear and compellingvision for people to follow. Immature leaders with vibrant, personal charisma are especially at risk ofmisusing this verse. Viewed in context, the original word translated as vision refers […]
Becoming A “Green Zone” Person
What does becoming like Jesus look like? We call that transformation. Becoming like Jesus looks like this: Automatically thinking with God and asking Him what He wants us to notice Protecting our own emotions and the emotions of others like Jesus did Replacing the toxic fuel of fear with the high-octane fuel of joy Addressing […]
Pillar of the church…or, is She?
Somewhere down the road from where I am sitting, there is a church that is falling apart. The glory days of the 1980’s are long gone and the church is struggling to survive. The pastor has met with several consultants who all discussed vision and strategy, but missed the heart of the problem. There is […]
The RARE Ingredients We All Need
On a recent a traveling trip I sat next to a young lady who had given up. Even though her life had been deeply impacted years ago by a woman counselor, she now considered herself lost and coasting with no direction, no hope, and no joy. She did not know God but she was desperately […]
Joyful Community: Is this another Utopian Dream?
What in the world is Life Model Works “Annual Gathering?’ It’s an event, an experience, an opportunity, to be in connected community with a group of people who are seeking to create more joy in the earth. Annual Gathering is a place to help individuals and organizations find, develop and maintain a secure identity rooted […]
Three Streams of Joy Come Together at the 2016 Annual Gathering
The 2016 Annual Gathering—RARE Community: Developing a People of Trust, Joy and Engagement—is the headwaters of three streams that I find very exciting. We know that the topics of the Annual Gathering can become active streams of joy, growth and change from our experience last year with Joyful Journey. We introduced the simple yet revolutionary […]
Group Identity: The Most Powerful Thing that Pastors and Leaders Miss
Building a group identity is the most powerful thing a leader can do. If you have been around the Life Model for a while you know what this means but most people do not. Pastors and leaders never reach their life goals because they become focused on lesser targets. The 2016 Annual Gathering 2016, RARE […]