Fire up your joy today with the Top 10 from Life Model Works

Build Joy with us. Put logs on the joy in your life and celebrate with us. Paul the Apostle said in Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first […]
Becoming a Gentle Responder

Have you ever wondered why it can be hard to respond well to what others say or do? You have intentions of being loving, kind, encouraging, and then you are in a discussion and you find yourself responding with something like sarcasm, anger, or judgment instead of being a gentle responder. Let’s explore this common […]
Raising Resilient Children
I want to have a heart to heart with you about raising resilient children. These are children who bounce back and recover when things go wrong. Children who respond to the curve balls of life and relationships with flexibility and fortitude. Children who can quiet and calm themselves on the good and bad days. I […]
Remaining Relational with Flattened Flapjacks
Last night my family enjoyed our weekly tradition of breakfast for dinner. As my boys were devouring their pancakes, I remembered the item I found under the living room rug last week. Pancakes. Yes, that’s correct. Pancakes! A few weeks ago my sons thought it would be funny to sneak a few pancakes and hide them […]
Subtle Narcissism – Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
In one of my Joy Groups, we are doing an in-depth study about narcissism and how to deal with it both in ourselves and with others. We are learning that there are different ‘’types’’ and different “degrees” of narcissism. Most of us have no problem recognizing the blatant, harsh, self-justifying, defensive kind. There’s no question […]
Abraham's Rare Skills
I was reading from Genesis 22 – the story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac – and I noticed that Abraham says, “Here I am” three times in the passage. It stood out to me as the same words Samuel says when he thinks Eli is calling him (1 Samuel 3), and the same […]