Build Joy with us. Put logs on the joy in your life and celebrate with us. Paul the Apostle said in Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”
I am thankful for you all and the partnership in our common work together. We are part of a tribe of people making a difference every day living out the good news of the Gospel. The Life Model combines the Bible with brain science in a way that transforms. We are living out the full gospel with a full heart and a whole brain.
We are on a journey to live from the heart Jesus gave us, and with our whole brain engaged, synchronized, and online. This past year has been a strange but good, hard yet joy-filled year. My wife Deborah and I are working through many things and growing in new ways. Earlier this week, I received a word from the Lord about this year: “This year I am working on you, and we are preparing Life Model Works for the future.” I was so encouraged by that and hope it will encourage you all as well.
Here is the full list of what I am doing to build my joy today.
Joy because it is finally here! RARE Leadership in the Workplace by Jim Wilder and Marcus Warner is on the way May 4! RARE Leadership in the Workplace will help you live the Life Model at work. This book will equip you to live out your best self in your workplace. Jim and Marcus took RARE Leadership to work and this is what they came up with! Get your pre-order copy today here.
A joy filled interview of Jim Wilder on the topic “The Making of a Mature Disciple” with Geoff Holsclaw on the new “Being With” podcast, a podcast on Neuroscience and Faith. Listen to it here.
- Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks released a new episode on “The Other Half of Church” podcast talking about The Big Evangelical Machine, Dallas Willard, and Reader Feedback. Listen to it here.
- We will soon be releasing a new version of Joy Starts Here in partnership with Chris Coursey, Ed Khouri, Shelia Sutton and Jim Wilder. We want to make this resource widely available to our world, along with the JoyQ assessment. Be watching for details in the next few weeks.
- The Spring 2021 session of Learning How to Become a Full-Brained Christ Follower Study Groups, begins May 3, and groups are filling fast. We have room for you! Sign up here. The Winter session was a huge success for Life Model Works. This is a great way to begin the Life Model journey in this 6 week study of The Other Half of Church.
- The “Life Model Seminar” is now available for purchase. We’ve never had a resource like this before that offers a comprehensive overview the Life Model with practical steps you can take today to begin living it out. You can purchase a copy here.
- Life Model Works is preparing to launch Life Model Consulting. Michel Hendricks, our Director of Life Model Consulting is in talks with a number of churches and several parachurch ministries about beginning this process.
- Save the Date! The Life Model Family Gathering is coming on September 15-17, 2021, at the Rock of KC Church, Kansas City, Missouri. This gathering is for everyone in the Life Model Works tribe, and will be our first joy-filled, relational, face-to-face gathering since the pandemic. Registration details coming soon.
- We are preparing to co-host with Deeper Walk an international seminar on August 12-13 on the topic of RARE Leadership in the Workplace. Speakers will include Jim Wilder, Marcus Warner, Krish Dhannam, Dawn Whitestone, Charles Stone, Ray Woolridge and others.
- We are building a new website with improved functionality and beauty. Our team is researching adding a subscription membership site which will allow for Life Model member interaction and connection, live events, accessible resources and many sub-groups to build multigenerational community and enhance training and equipping opportunites.