Resources for Creating Transformational Small Groups

(Part 10 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri Having explained the practices, pitfalls, and perils of talking things through to find “peace,” let’s turn our attention to resources that can help. These materials encourage the development […]

Christmas Peace

We see two important words often during the Christmas holiday: joy and peace. We see them on Christmas cards, and we sing them in songs. At Life Model Works, we talk a lot about the importance of joy in lives. Our brains were designed with joy in mind, and when our joy gets low, life doesn’t work well. However, in this article we are going to focus on the other important word: peace .

Living Books While Living From the Heart Jesus Gave

By Chris Caputo My wife, Rebecca Caputo, recently received a text from her dear friend, Pam. Pam was overflowing with joy while getting on a plane flying from Michigan back to Kansas City. She was returning from the “Awaken: A Living Books Conference” event designed for home educators and living books libraries.  She was especially motivated […]

Grow With Us, An Update From Our Executive Director

by Ray Woolridge We are Life Model Works:  Growing fearless people who live like Jesus. Think about these four numbers:  500-30-1-82 How do you feel today?  Are you living in fear, or in peace? Let’s talk about fear a little bit.   What are you afraid of?  What am I afraid of? When it gets right […]

Fire up your joy today with the Top 10 from Life Model Works

Build Joy with us. Put logs on the joy in your life and celebrate with us. Paul the Apostle said in Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first […]

Multiplying Wonder with the Breath of Gratitude

Over the last several years my wife Cathy and I have had our eyes opened and our lives transformed through the power of appreciation and wonder! The atmosphere of our family and community has been warmed, healed and transformed.  The gift of noticing and amplifying the small and large seeds of beauty and goodness all around us in our everyday […]

9 Questions about Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a big deal, and it is a bigger topic than one might consider. Dr. Jim Wilder fielded questions at a conference where he spoke about learning to forgive. His answers to those questions are provided here. Question #1 — Can joy be “faked”? Or, can someone trick themselves into believing they are experiencing authentic […]

The Difference Between Appreciation & Gratitude

While working on a writing project I was asked, “Why don’t you use the word gratitude instead of appreciation?” The person asking is a fan of the Joyful Journey book and the interactive gratitude process taught in it, as am I. At first, I thought, “why not?” Everyone is on the gratitude craze right now… Ann Voskamp, […]

Living from Your Heart Rather Than Your Hurts

What’s the difference between living from your heart – and living from your hurts? Dr. Jim Wilder is the author of Living From The Heart Jesus Gave You. He helps us understand the difference between living from your heart and living from your hurts. “Living from your hurt means that you are looking at your life according to what you need to […]

Tithing for a Party?!

Did you know that part of God’s plan for our financial giving includes setting aside money to build joy in our families and communities?   An unexpected command A few years ago, I discovered an astonishing Bible passage that radically changed the way I think about tithing. And now I find that same passage also […]

F.A.Q.'s About the Life Model – Part 2

Dr. Jim Wilder frequently receives questions about The Life Model. Michael Sullivant, a pastor and proponent of the Life Model, has collaborated with Dr. Wilder to answer some of these frequently asked questions which we now present to you in this new Blog series. F.A.Q. #2 – How can we attribute “God’s words” to human […]