When Church Hurts: Healing, Resilience, and Rediscovering Community
By Claudia Hendricks For many years the ideas of complex trauma and church were not associated inside my brain. When I thought of trauma it was related to sharp pain, and when I thought of church the image of a spiritual family came to mind, meaningful connections, and a life-giving space. A few decades ago, […]
Why we lack peace when we are hurt or upset
By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri (Part 2 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) When what people say about us — or how we are treated — does not fit who we believe we are, we feel hurt and upset. It feels […]
Playgrounds for Avatars: “Talking it Through to Find Peace”
By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri (Part 1 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure. Matthew 6:21, The Passion Translation Life experiences and relationships shape us. For those who follow Jesus, […]
Understanding Shame
As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame (Romans 10:11).” “Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame (1 Corinthians 15:34).” Are the above passages contradictory, or is there […]
How to Develop Joy Strength
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Would you like to increase your joy and displace the internal emotional pain in your life? The key is […]
Finding peace in disaster
What disaster are you facing today? We have all been shaken by news of another war and the painful images of displaced people fleeing for their lives. While you may not be facing a disaster today, know this: the time to prepare for disaster is BEFORE it happens. This is true for every human being: […]
An Immanuel Healing Story
by Michael Sullivant, Director of Relational Networks, Life Model Works Nothing moves my heart of love toward God more than discovering that He knew me, cared for me and reached out for me many times, long before I was fully ready to put my trust in and follow Jesus Christ as the Lord of my […]
The Life Skill of Keeping Your Cool
Did you know that your body knows what you’re feeling even before you do? In neuroscience today we’ve discovered that the right hemisphere of our brain is where our “control center” operates and it’s also responsible for the storage of “experiences”. In simple English this means that everything that you experience, and all the information […]
The Prodigal Daughter
I came around the corner in that casual way one does wandering through a huge art museum. The fact that it was the Hermitage in St Petersburg, Russia was exciting but I didn’t expect what I was about to see. It was huge, covered a whole wall from floor to ceiling, stopped me in my […]
I Yearn Therefore We Are
We have never laid eyes on our own face. (However, I can actually see my rather large nose when I look down and cross my eyes!) The only way we know what we look like is by seeing our face reflected in a mirror or by seeing our likeness on a photo. The French mathematician […]
Living from Your Heart Rather Than Your Hurts
What’s the difference between living from your heart – and living from your hurts? Dr. Jim Wilder is the author of Living From The Heart Jesus Gave You. He helps us understand the difference between living from your heart and living from your hurts. “Living from your hurt means that you are looking at your life according to what you need to […]
How to Return to Joy
This year my family had a lot going on for Mother’s Day. It was busy. In fact, it was so busy that it did not work for us to celebrate Mother’s Day like we usually would – on the day, together as a family. We decided to reschedule my Mother’s Day celebration to another time […]
Appreciation Changes Everything
Just before bed last night I had an upsetting interaction with a friend. It was not a fight or an argument, but I was worried about her. In the past, something like this would have ruined my sleep. Yep; in days past this distress would have spun out my mind. I would have replayed the […]
When Jesus is More Patient than Mommy
Thanksgiving day was a whirlwind with a flurry of cooking, eating, hosting and interacting with family members. As the day began to wind down, I was sitting with my sons reading bedtime stories and praying. At one point I asked the boys to each share something with Jesus they feel thankful for. Andrew (4) immediately […]
The Word…Moved into the Neighborhood
“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” (John 1:14, The Message) My step-Dad has a beautiful picture book about Jesus’ life called He Was One of Us by artist Rien Poortvliet. I can stare at the faces for hours, paging through scenes of Mary, Nicodemus, Peter, the woman caught in adultery, and the crowds […]
Quieting as a Life Skill
As a Life Coach who specializes in working with people that desire to grow in the skills associated with Life Model Works, I have noticed a very common thread amongst my clients. I see the same missing life skill in many of them that I also see missing in my friends and extended family. It […]
I had a great discussion the other day with a friend who asked some probing questions about ministering to someone in deep grief. We tossed around some thoughts about the differences in every-day negative emotions and deep emotions from grief. It’s my opinion that they are a bit different although there are some parallels. The […]
10 Ways Life Model Works Builds Relationships
Over the years, many people have been attracted to Life Model Works for the benefits of joyful relationships. Here are 10 ways Life Model Works helps relationships build and grow. We each do our own inventory of our relational health, growth, points of irritation or stagnation, freely deciding with new safe and loving support to […]
Moving Relationships from Bitter to Sweet
In one of my favorite moments as a journalist, years ago I joined the friendly banter of a popular men’s watering hole, Ben’s, the first African-American barber shop in Madison, Wisconsin. The first thing you noticed was the high-amperage joy, men’s safe teasing, inter-generational trust, and rhythmic guffaws. After being warmly welcomed, I asked a […]
Navigating The Emotions of Life Toward Maturity
Recently I read an “inner healing” sales pitch that promised “Freedom From Negative Emotions” and cringed. I cringed because I know that lots of people are probably thinking, “Sign me up for that!”. Visions of a life free of problems and a constant state of emotional bliss sure are tempting, but the truth is, that’s […]