Escaping Enemy Mode Together

It will be exciting to see many of you in Denver this month. We are going to experience joy and learn to stay connected to Jesus and to our people, even when we are in enemy mode. We are going to share stories from the field and hear how it is going. How is escaping […]

Discovering how to escape enemy mode

The struggle is real and happens to me every day. I escaped again this morning. Explaining enemy mode is easy for me; reliably escaping is the work I will be doing with my people every day the rest of my life. Enemy mode enemy mode affects everyone around me, flowing outward in concentric circles from […]

Neurotheology: what does it mean and why does it matter to me?

What does “neurotheology” mean? Dr. Andrew Newberg wrote Principles of Neurotheology and was interviewed by NPR in 2010. He called neurotheology “the relationship between the brain and religious experience (” Long before Dr. Newberg’s article, Dr. Jim Wilder and a team of dedicated researchers and counselors developed the Life Model. “The Life Model is an […]

How We Are Escaping Enemy Mode In Our Marriage

By Ray and Deborah Woolridge When have you had an enemy mode conversation with someone you love? How does it feel to you? How does it make them feel? As a couple married 36+ years, enemy mode feels like falling down a cliff. Falling into enemy mode is much easier than climbing out of it.  […]

Becoming A “Green Zone” Person

What does becoming like Jesus look like? We call that transformation. Becoming like Jesus looks like this: Automatically thinking with God and asking Him what He wants us to notice Protecting our own emotions and the emotions of others like Jesus did Replacing the toxic fuel of fear with the high-octane fuel of joy Addressing […]

Relational Discussion or Enemy Mode Argument?

My enemy mode tendencies almost did some damage recently. Becoming relational takes time as neural pathways (FAST track) get retrained.  I almost fell into a well-worn path in a discussion that ended relationally but could have taken a turn.   My wife Deborah and I are moving this summer.  After hundreds of hours on house hunting […]

Grow With Us, An Update From Our Executive Director

by Ray Woolridge We are Life Model Works:  Growing fearless people who live like Jesus. Think about these four numbers:  500-30-1-82 How do you feel today?  Are you living in fear, or in peace? Let’s talk about fear a little bit.   What are you afraid of?  What am I afraid of? When it gets right […]

The Green Zone

How can your life become a “green zone”? By Ray Woolridge When I served in the Army deployed in the Middle East, the only “green zone” was near the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.  It may have been the most protected zone in the city, but green it was not.  The “green zones” I think […]

Finding peace in disaster

What disaster are you facing today?  We have all been shaken by news of another war and the painful images of displaced people fleeing for their lives.  While you may not be facing a disaster today, know this: the time to prepare for disaster is BEFORE it happens.  This is true for every human being:  […]

Fire up your joy today with the Top 10 from Life Model Works

Build Joy with us. Put logs on the joy in your life and celebrate with us. Paul the Apostle said in Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first […]

An Immanuel Healing Story

by Michael Sullivant, Director of Relational Networks, Life Model Works Nothing moves my heart of love toward God more than discovering that He knew me, cared for me and reached out for me many times, long before I was fully ready to put my trust in and follow Jesus Christ as the Lord of my […]

How is the Life Model changing our lives?

By Amy Brown and Ray Woolridge “Waking up to hope.” “More transformation than I ever dreamed possible.” “A brand new way to approach spiritual growth.” These are ways I (AMY) have heard the Life Model described. Because the Life Model is such an integral part of my story of freedom after decades of depression, I […]