50 Jesuses Partying on a Beach

As we learn to live from love and not fear, we can also use the tool of Immanuel prayer to find our best self with Jesus. For me, finding my best self with Jesus means leaning into His joy for me when I feel loneliness overwhelming me. Now, a person can be alone and not […]
My Best Self With Immanuel

By Marlene Allen Over the last couple of weeks, the Life Model Works team has shared what it means to be your best self, versus your false or avatar self. Now and in the coming weeks we will dive into the theme of what it looks like to be your best self with Immanuel. “I […]
Do You Know When to Yell?
Neuroscience tells us that our brains are wired to seek intensity. Ideally, this intensity should come from joyful interactions and be the foundation for our attachment to people. However, if we experience intense abandonment or dysfunction early on, our young minds can’t discern the difference between good and bad intensity, and we go through life […]
Why we lack peace when we are hurt or upset
By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri (Part 2 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) When what people say about us — or how we are treated — does not fit who we believe we are, we feel hurt and upset. It feels […]
Playgrounds for Avatars: “Talking it Through to Find Peace”
By Jim Wilder and Ed Khouri (Part 1 of 10 from the article, “Through the Eyes of Heaven: Does ‘Talking It Through to Find Peace’ bring Shalom?”) For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure. Matthew 6:21, The Passion Translation Life experiences and relationships shape us. For those who follow Jesus, […]
Living Books While Living From the Heart Jesus Gave
By Chris Caputo My wife, Rebecca Caputo, recently received a text from her dear friend, Pam. Pam was overflowing with joy while getting on a plane flying from Michigan back to Kansas City. She was returning from the “Awaken: A Living Books Conference” event designed for home educators and living books libraries. She was especially motivated […]
Parenting Kids Through Summer
By Chris M. Coursey, THRIVEtoday President Summertime is meant to be fun for our families. We play at swimming pools, soak in sunshineat the beach, go camping, run outside, ride bikes, and more adventures. Summer means comingup for air before school starts in the Fall. Summer is officially in full swing. In the past week, […]
A Sweet Spot For Kids
by Marlene Allen, Life Model Works Board Member Twelve-year-old Tess had one question for me as her children’s pastor, “Why is God always mad at us? I picture Him with a bat ready to get me if I do something wrong”, This simple question began my quest to discover why children would have such a […]
Becoming A “Green Zone” Person
What does becoming like Jesus look like? We call that transformation. Becoming like Jesus looks like this: Automatically thinking with God and asking Him what He wants us to notice Protecting our own emotions and the emotions of others like Jesus did Replacing the toxic fuel of fear with the high-octane fuel of joy Addressing […]
The Green Zone
How can your life become a “green zone”? By Ray Woolridge When I served in the Army deployed in the Middle East, the only “green zone” was near the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. It may have been the most protected zone in the city, but green it was not. The “green zones” I think […]
From Brokenness To Relational Wholeness
By Rebecca Caputo When I was handed a little green book several years ago, I didn’t for a moment expect it to rock the foundation of my beliefs or my life. In my early 40’s I read, “Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You” by Dr. Jim Wilder et al and it changed, well, literally […]
How to Develop Joy Strength
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Would you like to increase your joy and displace the internal emotional pain in your life? The key is […]
Finding peace in disaster
What disaster are you facing today? We have all been shaken by news of another war and the painful images of displaced people fleeing for their lives. While you may not be facing a disaster today, know this: the time to prepare for disaster is BEFORE it happens. This is true for every human being: […]
Fire up your joy today with the Top 10 from Life Model Works
Build Joy with us. Put logs on the joy in your life and celebrate with us. Paul the Apostle said in Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first […]
The Difference Between Appreciation & Gratitude
While working on a writing project I was asked, “Why don’t you use the word gratitude instead of appreciation?” The person asking is a fan of the Joyful Journey book and the interactive gratitude process taught in it, as am I. At first, I thought, “why not?” Everyone is on the gratitude craze right now… Ann Voskamp, […]
Joy is Contagious
Dear friends, How can you look at a face like this and not feel a fountain of joy well up inside? This little guy is my grandson Truman, a photo taken a few years ago. He is such a joy! The fact that I have a relationship with him is a source of great joy. […]
Living from Your Heart Rather Than Your Hurts
What’s the difference between living from your heart – and living from your hurts? Dr. Jim Wilder is the author of Living From The Heart Jesus Gave You. He helps us understand the difference between living from your heart and living from your hurts. “Living from your hurt means that you are looking at your life according to what you need to […]
Raising Resilient Children
I want to have a heart to heart with you about raising resilient children. These are children who bounce back and recover when things go wrong. Children who respond to the curve balls of life and relationships with flexibility and fortitude. Children who can quiet and calm themselves on the good and bad days. I […]
Tithing for a Party?!
Did you know that part of God’s plan for our financial giving includes setting aside money to build joy in our families and communities? An unexpected command A few years ago, I discovered an astonishing Bible passage that radically changed the way I think about tithing. And now I find that same passage also […]
The Fun of Joy and Rest
My oldest son Matthew is now in school full days, so I try to find meaningful ways to connect with Andrew when he is home. Andrew is the youngest child behind his big brother, Matthew, who happens to have a very big, out-going personality, Andrew tends to take a backseat to Matthew’s antics during interactions. […]