Life Model Works has experienced a difficult two years. Coming out of pandemic lockdowns, we need to be together. Much has changed in the Life Model Works approach. Not only do we have new leadership, we have new dreams and plans that we can’t wait to share with you. Our focus for 2021 is to hold the most relational Life Model Family gathering ever!

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Family Gathering 2021 | My Life Model Story: Ray Woolridge

Introduction & Testimonial Panel | Family Gathering 2021

Ray Woolridge, Executive Director of Life Model Works, shares his Life Model Story. Then, he invites a panel of five people to share their Life Model Story.

with Ray Woolridge & others

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Family Gathering 2021 | Keynote 1: Dr. Jim Wilder

Keynote 1: Women and Christianity | Family Gathering 2021

with Dr. Jim Wilder

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Family Gathering 2021 | Keynote 2: Michel Hendricks

Keynote 2: The Ups and Downs of Getting the Life Model into your church | Family Gathering 2021

with Michel Hendricks

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Family Gathering 2021 | Keynote 3: Michael Sullivant

Keynote 3: Joy Building | Family Gathering 2021

with Michael Sullivant

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Family Gathering 2021 | Keynote 4: Michael Sullivant

Keynote 4: Relational Leadership: Serving to Rehumanize Church and Culture | Family Gathering 2021

with Michael Sullivant

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Family Gathering 2021 | Keynote 5: Jim Wilder

Keynote 5: Women and Attachment | Family Gathering 2021

with Dr. Jim Wilder

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Family Gathering 2021 | Clip: Terri & Michael Sullivant

Clip: Thoughts of the Sullivants | Family Gathering 2021

with Terri & Michael Sullivant

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Family Gathering 2021 | Breakout 2: Richard Abbott

Breakout 2: Life Model Online Community | Family Gathering 2021

with Richard Abbott

Many people involved in the Life Model ecosystem ask for a “clearinghouse” for “all things Life Model”. They also are looking for others who are like-minded and for others who may live and do ministry in their geographic regions. Life Model Works is partnering with Thrive Today, Alive and Well and others, to develop an online community platform that will be such a clearinghouse for relational connections, smaller learning communities, services, and multi-media resources.  Choose this track to learn how you can join a “beta” group for this exciting new endeavor and help us dream about how to make and keep it user-friendly and relevant for years to come.

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Family Gathering 2021 | Immanuel Moment: Amy Brown

Immanuel Moment | Family Gathering 2021

with Amy Brown

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Pastor, Missionary

Michel Hendricks is a pastor, missionary, engineer, inventor and author. He has been teaching and training for over 25 years. He was a pastor of spiritual formation at Flatirons Community Church in Lafayette, Colorado. In addition, he served and trained people in Argentina, Mexico, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. He is married to Claudia and they have three adult children.

Director of Relational Networks, Life Model Works

Michael Sullivant is the Director of Relational Networks for Life Model Works. He is a church planter, pastor, author, poet and speaker. He has ministered in over 25 countries through over 40 years of public ministry. Michael and his wife, Terri, have 5 adult and married children and a growing number of grandchildren. His latest book is Thinking Biblically About the Life Model. Terri, recently published her first book, The Divine Invitation – Entering the Dance of Becoming Fully Alive.

Michael is involved with ministry and church leaders and change agents who are seeking to integrate more relational approaches to helping people in their groups mature and experience deeper and lasting identity transformation into the image of Jesus Christ.

Author, Consultant

Amy is a content developer, trainer, and consultant on staff with Alive & Well, Inc. As consultant, she creates monthly training events for the Online Practice Community with THRIVEtoday, creates training materials for Life Model Works, and leads the Certified Journey Group Leadership Community with Deeper Walk International. She co-authored the book Relational Skills in the Bible with Chris Coursey, and wrote the Journey Group curriculum. She is a relational skills trainer with THRIVEtoday.

Executive Director of Life Model Works

Rev. Ray Woolridge (MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Seminary, and Master of Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College) became the Executive Director of Life Model Works on September 1, 2020. He is thrilled to serve in a role that combines his pastoral and leadership experience with his calling, giftings and walk with God. The principles behind the Life Model are transforming his life, work, and personal relationships every day.

Ray is a retired U.S. Army Chaplain (Brigadier General) with 43 years of service with the military, in uniform or as a civilian. A skilled public communicator, he also gets joy in coaching leaders to discover their uniqueness and unleash their potential. Ray has led in two congregations, as a church planting pastor and as pastor of adult ministries. Ray is thankful to partner with Life Model Works to come alongside existing networks to implement Life Model principles in their context.

Founder Life Model Works

Dr. Jim Wilder has been training leaders and counselors for over 30 years on five continents. Jim grew up in South America and is bilingual (English/Spanish). He is the author of nineteen books with a strong focus on maturity and relational skills. His coauthored book, Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You, has sold over 100,000 copies and is printed in eleven languages. Wilder has published numerous articles and developed four sets of video and relational leadership training. Dr. Wilder has served as a guest lecturer at Fuller Seminary, Biola, Talbot Seminary, Point Loma University, Montreat College, Tyndale Seminary and elsewhere.