Anne Sorensen Bierling

Family Therapist

Anne Bierling (MA, MFT) has been in the industry of helping families thrive almost 30 years. In 1999, while working as a family therapist at Shepherd’s House, Inc., Bierling co-authored the Life Model which has sold over 100,000 copies.

Now almost 20 years later—she’s had the opportunity to live it and apply it to parenthood, marriage, friendships and work relationships. As a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and former high school teacher and administrator, Bierling has had broad experience working closely with families in diverse settings and helping them mature. She is currently the Director of Parent Education in LA Canada, CA, where over 500 parents and children are on campus every week for parent education:

Anne and her husband, Randy, have three children and have been married 25 years. Her most passionate topic is helping others mature which she speaks on frequently throughout Southern California.