Living the Life Model

Maturity is attractive to everyone—but few know how to articulate it or achieve it….

The Maturity Model (published in 1999 and translated into 11 languages) incorporates current brain science, time tested developmental stages, and God’s powerful Word to provide a map with practical steps to maturity. Everyone benefits—ourselves, children, spouses, colleagues and community—when we learn to mature. And sadly, everyone suffers when we operate below our physical stages. Anxiety increases and the ability to experience true joy and God’s presence decreases.

Help change the cultural crises—maturity is contagious!

As college deans from across the country attest (cited in the Stanford Dean’s bestseller How to Raise An Adult), maturity levels in America have been dropping at alarming rates resulting in college students no longer being capable of taking care of themselves. The Maturity Model is more needed than ever! Fortunately, the tide can change when people learn how to grow themselves as well as model and articulate maturity for others. We all have holes in our maturity that suppress our growth and cripple our relationships. Identifying those holes—as well as learning practical steps to fill them—can be life changing!

Experience greater maturity in your walk with God

The Bible also shows us that God’s goal for us is to grow in maturity. Paul said that he worked hard to “present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28), the author of Hebrews coaches his readers to “go on to maturity” (Hebrews 6:1), and James instructs us to “become mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4). Many Christians are faithful to read their Bibles, attend church, pray, and serve… but still feel like something is ‘missing’ in their journey to grow when they are stuck with gaps that they cannot understand or move beyond.

The Maturity Model provides people lots of “aha” moments and offers guidance to become more mature in their connection with God– and their ability to integrate His peace and power into all aspects of their lives!

What you will learn:

  • The five stages of maturity—as well as the tasks and needs required to mature.
  • How to identify the maturity tasks you have successfully completed.
  • How to identify ‘holes’ in your maturity that are suppressing your growth and joy.

What you leave with:

  • A personal map for maturity and the steps to achieve it – leading to healthier relationships in your family, workplace, and community.
  • A new lens to assess problems in your family, workplace, and personal relationships—as well as the resources to heal them.
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Part 1 | Intro to Maturity

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Part 2 | Infant Stage

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Part 3 | Child

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Part 4 | Adult

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Part 5 | Parent

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Part 6 | Elder

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Family Therapist

Anne Bierling (MA, MFT) has been in the industry of helping families thrive almost 30 years. In 1999, while working as a family therapist at Shepherd’s House, Inc., Bierling co-authored the Life Model which has sold over 100,000 copies.

Now almost 20 years later—she’s had the opportunity to live it and apply it to parenthood, marriage, friendships and work relationships. As a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and former high school teacher and administrator, Bierling has had broad experience working closely with families in diverse settings and helping them mature. She is currently the Director of Parent Education in LA Canada, CA, where over 500 parents and children are on campus every week for parent education:

Anne and her husband, Randy, have three children and have been married 25 years. Her most passionate topic is helping others mature which she speaks on frequently throughout Southern California.