Moving Men from Predator to Protector

In this talk delivered at a Men’s Meeting at a large church, Dr Jim Wilder talks about how to cultivate our ‘Protector’ identity. Men get into trouble trying to remove something that God hard-wired in (i.e. “Predator” brain). We are all wired to spot weakness. The important thing is training our brain how to respond when we see weakness. Listen as Dr. Wilder shares keys to growing a stronger Protector identity in you and with “your people.”

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Moving Men from Predator to Protector

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Founder Life Model Works

Dr. Jim Wilder has been training leaders and counselors for over 30 years on five continents. Jim grew up in South America and is bilingual (English/Spanish). He is the author of nineteen books with a strong focus on maturity and relational skills. His coauthored book, Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You, has sold over 100,000 copies and is printed in eleven languages. Wilder has published numerous articles and developed four sets of video and relational leadership training. Dr. Wilder has served as a guest lecturer at Fuller Seminary, Biola, Talbot Seminary, Point Loma University, Montreat College, Tyndale Seminary and elsewhere.