This breakout will be a followup to the Spreading the Life Model panel. The purpose is to encourage, equip, and challenge participants to think creatively about how to spread the Life Model in their unique context. Margaret Webb will facilitate discussion and stories by those finding ways to share the elements of the Life Model that have impacted their life and relationships.

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Spreading the Life Model

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Founder, Alive and Well, Inc.

Margaret Webb devoted herself to a ministry of emotional healing and maturation in the context of prayer. Margaret has studied with and learned from Dr. Jim Wilder, Dr. Karl Lehman, Chris and Jen Coursey, and Ed Khouri for the past 10 years, and it has changed her personal life as well as her ministry career. Using what she learned from these leaders, as well as her experience as a Christian Counselor, she created the Alive and Well, Inc. curriculum for leading people into the Immanuel Lifestyle and preparing prayer ministers to use the Immanuel Approach. Teaching, training, mentoring and consulting, she is committed to the vision of a network of lay and professional people-helpers bringing the care of souls into the local church. Her website is