The Biblical Foundation for Jesus’ Transformative Community

Pastor Charlotte Lehman believes that establishing a relational community culture is not just for counselors and healing ministers – it is Jesus’ charge to all who would be his followers. In an accessible yet compelling fashion, Charlotte will share her journey with the Bible that led to this conviction about the priority and practices of staying relational. She’ll give examples of how her church community has worked to build a relational culture and experienced its benefits.

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The Biblical Foundation for Jesus’ Transformative Community

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Charlotte Lehman, M.Div. is extremely grateful to have been shaped by the strong and loving multi-generational community of Jesus’ followers at Reba Place Church (RPC) of Evanston, IL. In 2009, she became Lead Pastor and has been having an awesome adventure in learning the art of leadership ever since.

She attributes much of her success in life and ministry to an Immanuel Lifestyle and the 19-Relational Brain Skills taught by Life Model Works. Charoltte has enjoyed seeing Reba Place Church thrive in the application of these principles to its congregational life!

Charlotte is married to Dr. Karl Lehman, a Christian, psychiatrist and leader in the field of faith-based emotional healing, and author of The Immanuel Approach.