Fire up your joy today with the Top 10 from Life Model Works

Build Joy with us. Put logs on the joy in your life and celebrate with us. Paul the Apostle said in Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first […]
The Life Skill of Keeping Your Cool

Did you know that your body knows what you’re feeling even before you do? In neuroscience today we’ve discovered that the right hemisphere of our brain is where our “control center” operates and it’s also responsible for the storage of “experiences”. In simple English this means that everything that you experience, and all the information […]
The World Needs What the Life Model Provides
We were first introduced to the Life Model in 2006, by Karl Lehman, and attended our first Thrive Training in 2007. Thrive Training and many of the other Life Model resources we have used have been very beneficial to our individual growth and healing, as well as to our marriage. We have also witnessed over […]
3 Steps to Avoid Relational Speed Bumps
There is no way to avoid it, we all need relational skills. The problem is most of us don’t realize that we are missing some! Not until we start having problems in our relationships; or we notice that we keep repeating the same relational speed bumps over and over again. When learned in the early […]
Insecure? Learn How to Sync Up With Others!
We all need to feel safe and secure. That’s why we teach people a skill we call “Synchronize Attachments” at Thrive. When you synchronize attachments, you can share a mutual state of mind with others that will bring you closer, as well as help you move independently. Imagine feeling free to be yourself because the world is […]
Five Skills You Need to Stay Joyful in 2016
Imagine if you could sustain your joy all year long? In this free webinar, Thrive Trainer and Life Model Works Director Chris Coursey will introduce five key brain skills that anyone can develop. You will: Hear how you can rediscover your peace and joy after the busyness of the holidays! Make 2016 the year you […]
There's a Little Time Left to Register…and Change Your Life!
Thrive Completely Changes Lives In one week at Thrive, you’ll have the chance to dig deep into the most crucial (and often, most overlooked) skills for life! You and a bonded partner will spend one week practicing key relationship skills based drawn from brain science and scripture. Gerry and Karen, were fighting constantly before attending […]
Relationship Basics: Three Skills as Essential as Keys, Wallets & Cell Phones
Have you ever left the house and remembered you forgot your wallet or your phone? Or worse, forgotten your keys inside on the counter behind the locked door? I’ve done all 3. It didn’t take me long to get that “uh-oh” feeling in the pit of my stomach and each time I returned to grab […]
Video: How Thrive Completely Changed One Life
After attending Thrive people ask Barb “Where did you go and what did you do?” Watch this video to find out just how much it could change your life! Register Today for Thrive
Train Your Brain for the Best Possible Relationships
If you’ve read the first seven articles in this series, you know how to create sustainable joy. Let’s close by turning our focus to how Life Model Works can teach you to start joy. Joy is foundational to develop resiliency and learn new relational brain skills. We designed Thrive to provide the best possible conditions […]
Want Sustained Joy? Become a better mind reader.
Are you looking for mutually satisfying relationships and sustained joy? Learn to read minds. At Life Model Works, we call this the “Level 3 of the control center.” It is what helps us synchronize energy levels with other people, read their body language, and gauge their well being on a moment-by-moment basis. The result is, we feel […]
Disarm Distraction to Create Sustained Joy
Life is busy. There is no shortage of things, people and activities to compete for space in our schedules. How can we match our values with our calendar? Sometimes our best intentions, no matter how hard we try, fall short of desired results. Just remember how hard dieting, exercising, Bible studies or even prayer times can […]
Use Two Brains to Amplify Your Joy
This is part two in Chris Coursey’s series “7 Solutions To Sustain Your Joy.” You can read Part 1 here. Because the brain is a natural amplifier, we amplify joy as joy is shared with another brain. Much like a teeter-totter, joy stops when we have no mirror to amplify our joy. This is why […]
What to do when your relationships feel frozen
We’re built for relationships. We thrive when we know that other people are glad to be around us. This is what we at Life Model Works call “joy.” Joy can be easy to start but all of us must learn to sustain our joy over the long haul. Relationships, marriages, families and churches who fail […]
If communication alone solved marriage problems
If communication alone solved marriage problems we would: solve our arguments with text messages email a solution talk a little longer and then feel understood listen our way to satisfaction … Common wisdom is that improving communication will improve a marriage. Now after decades of trying and dozens of approaches to improving communication, we should have […]