3 Key Guidelines on Hearing from God

Prayer is a conversation between me and God and how things are going in our work together. This is the way Dallas Willard spoke of prayer and it has informed my thinking on the whole topic of “Hearing God.” In fact, “Hearing God” is the newer title of his classic book, originally titled “In Search […]

Working Through My Triggered Reaction

I’m going to be honest, when I first read Dr. Wilder’s recent blog saying that an important part of healing is feeling special- I struggled with his message. When I read that “feeling special flows from being a source of life to others and not from something we receive”, I objected internally because it sounded […]

Taking My Healing to the Next Level

Healing is a process. At times it can be hard to assess where we are in the journey and what the next step should be. Dr. Jim Wilder provides fresh perspective with these words of wisdom. Forty years in the healing profession have shown me the three hardest things to heal are 3) attachment, 2) […]

Why Attachment Parenting Works

There’s just something about smiling babies that instantly turns our attachment light on and tells us to smile back. It’s not surprising that videos of babies laughing and smiling end up going viral. It feels good to see their dopamine receptors growing and multiplying quicker than conscious thought. Trust vs. Mistrust When I was pregnant […]

Build a Community of Trust, Joy & Engagement

We all desire to belong to groups of people who are trustworthy, spread joy and are deeply engaged in one another’s lives!  Honestly, these groups are rare.  In fact, they are so rare, many would believe these types of groups don’t exist. Good News: Rare Communities really do exist and we have their leaders to […]

Sociopaths in the Church

“What this church needs is a good sociopath.”  No call committee would ever mouth these words. No nominating committee would ever think of using this as a criteria for choosing an elder. Yet, pastors and other church leaders are not immune to sociopathic tendencies, and may, indeed, be prone to some of them. What is […]

Deflecting a Narcissist

I’m not sure if television trends depict real life trends or if it’s the other way around but either way, it’s becoming quite apparent that power hungry, controlling, narcissists are on the rise. We think we like them on TV, but characters like Tony Stark (Ironman) and Frank Underwood (House of Cards) make narcissism look […]

Introducing the AG Speakers: Dr. Jim Wilder

Dr. Jim Wilder is a coauthor and leading developer of the Life Model. Since 1988, he has given over 100 conferences and professional presentations in nine countries. His teaching on trauma and addiction recovery are highly regarded by seasoned professionals. Dr. Wilder has helped write multiple books (translated into nine different languages), several teaching sets […]

Something More Original Than Sin!

Evangelical believers are famous for seeking to share our faith in Jesus by leading with the message that “our sins have separated us from God.” There are certainly some passages in the Bible that, as isolated verses, make such a case from a certain angle. The ironic problem is that most believers, after coming to […]

Not Another Church Conference?

Hurray! Another conference where I am going to learn to be a great pastor just like all those other great pastors who also went to those conferences and now some of them are leading the conferences— Help! Get me off the conference carousel! Pastors and other church leaders, does that sound about right? Having been […]

Introducing the AG speakers: Marcus Warner

DR. MARCUS WARNER (M.Div., Th.M. and D.Min. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the president of Deeper Walk International. He is a former pastor and college professor who has written several books on topics ranging from how to study the Bible to spiritual warfare, emotional healing, and leadership. Dr. Warner has done training events for organizations […]

Sendoffs and Snowdrifts Swirling In South Korea

Here’s another update on Chris Coursey’s trip to Korea. Few things are as satisfying and rewarding as watching people encounter the living God for the first time. I enjoyed training students and staff members with the skills to thrive at the YWAM base in Jeju. My time ended smoothly and for my next adventure I […]

Introducing the AG Speakers: Charlotte Lehman

Charlotte Lehman, M.Div. is extremely grateful to have become part of Reba Place Church (RPC) of Evanston, IL in her early 20’s (around 1987) and to have had the opportunity to be shaped by the strong and loving multi-generational community of Jesus’ followers there. In 2009, she became Lead Pastor and has been having an […]

Introducing The AG speakers: Dr. John Perkins

John M. Perkins was born into Mississippi poverty, the son of a sharecropper. He fled to California when he was 17 after his older brother was murdered by a town marshal. Although Dr. Perkins vowed never to return, in 1960 after he accepted Christ, he returned to his boyhood home to share the gospel of […]

How to Improve All of Your Relationships in One Week

We split our time up doing a lot of things: work, school, families, even hobbies. Enjoying and succeeding at each of these things depends on something so obvious we miss it: our skills at developing relationships. Good news: you can develop powerful skills that will improve every single relationship in your life! Want to learn […]

Update from South Korea: Chris Coursey in Jeju

I just finished my first day of teaching with counseling students in the YWAM school here in Jeju, South Korea and I must say, the results are great! The class was engaged and enthused over what they were learning. Since my previous visit in Jeju, I was here last June, I can see a big […]

Introducing the AG Speakers: Wayne "Coach" Gordon

Wayne “Coach” Gordon is the founding pastor of Lawndale Community Church and Chairman/President of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA). CCDA is a network of individuals and ministries nationwide who engage in Christian community development efforts. In 1975 Wayne moved to North Lawndale located on Chicago’s Westside.  At that time, North Lawndale was the 15th […]

Always Happy to be With You

walking in the rain with umbrellas

A friend told me yesterday that “sometimes, God’s not funny.” I had to think about that, and there have been many times in my life when I have agreed with that statement. Usually when God’s not funny, it is because I’m in the middle of a struggle or painful situation where some sort of suffering […]

Five Skills You Need to Stay Joyful in 2016

Imagine if you could sustain your joy all year long? In this free webinar, Thrive Trainer and Life Model Works Director Chris Coursey will introduce five key brain skills that anyone can develop. You will: Hear how you can rediscover your peace and joy after the busyness of the holidays! Make 2016 the year you […]