Shh…Sneak Peak Webinar MONDAY!

Free Webinar featuring presenters from this year’s Annual Gathering,The Immanuel Life Monday, March 9, 12pm CDT Register Now! On the first day of our upcoming 2015 Annual Gathering, The Immanuel Life, we will introduce a new approach to Immanuel prayer. Get a taste of how transformative the Annual Gathering experience will be in this exclusive webinar with Dr. […]

How to Teach Your Brain(s) to Work Together

Joy Starts Here is so much more than just a book. Sure, it’s loaded with theological and neuroscientific explanations of how our brain works in relationships that can change your life. But that’s only part of it. The File Cabinet In fact, one of the things that you might learn reading Joy Starts Here is […]

What It Feels Like To Be In A Room Full Of Joy For A Week

I have enjoyed a most incredible week watching relational joy pop up at the Thrive Training event in Austin, Texas. Much like kernels transforming inside a popcorn maker, people are bursting with joy. You should see the smiles in this place! Friends, prayer partners, parents, spouses and leaders from around the country are interactively engaged […]

How the 1990s Changed Everything We Know About the Brain

No, that is not a mop or a wig. That is a brain scan of the fibers connecting various regions of the brain. The Decade of the Brain The 1990s were the first time we had minimally invasive methods of watching a brain work while it was still alive. No longer did we need to […]

Immanuel Defeats The Abominable Snow Monster

Jesus overpowered a cruel, and merciless enemy. This adversary was a big, bad monster made from snow. That is what my soon to be 5-year old son Matthew James told me recently. The conversation was more like, “Daddy, Jesus protected me from a big scary snow monster!” The grin on his face told me Immanuel […]

How Jim Wilder Learned to Talk to God Everyday (Video)

Dr. Jim Wilder tells the story of how his own skepticism led him to developing an interactive prayer life. To discover how the Immanuel Approach can transform your life, check out our 2015 Annual Gathering, The Immanuel Life: Sustaining Joyful Relationships for a Lifetime.  

The Joy World Series

Despite being from Los Angeles, I still watched as the San Francisco Giants battled it out with the Kansas City Royals in the World Series. Game 7 had 23.5 million viewers. While we may not fill a stadium at Annual Gathering 2015, I suspect your being there will have a longer lasting impact than who […]

What are RCs and why do I need them anyway?

magef joy is the feeling that we get when someone is glad to be with us, How come so many of us don’t feel joy in situations with people who supposedly love us? When we learn all about this “joy” stuff, why do some of us start looking around and wondering where all the people […]

Our Top 10 Posts (so far…)

Last Spring, we began regularly publishing this blog. Our hope is to provide great content that introduces the Life Model Works approach and dives deeper into important concepts. Here are our Top 10 Posts (so far…) We hope you’ll spend a moment looking around and share them on Facebook and Twitter. Get to Know Dr. […]

God's Job…and Mine

I’ve been in the people-helping business for a long time, in one aspect or another: nursing, health upgrading, clinical psychology. I saw good things happen in each of those eras of my career. But the most exciting change for me was the shift in focus from the healing of wounds to the development of maturity. […]

Volunteer Day is April 8!

Movements don’t happen because of a few people at Headquarters. They happen because of a lot of people in cities and towns all over the country or the world. Over this last year, we have identified the functions needed to reach our goal of Joyful Christians, Joyful Churches, Transformed World. We have organized them into […]

Good News: Jesus Lives to Give Us Joy

The story of the Jesus—God’s incarnation and crucifixion—is a story of our need for relational joy. That’s according to Aron Crews, a student at Southern Adventist University. He wrote the letter below to share how Life Model Works has effected his life. He also shared a video he made to help spread this message during […]

Huffington Post: Addiction is About Connection

Here’s an excerpt from a recent Huffington Post article that reinforces what Life Model Works teaches about the value of human connection. Here’s one example of an experiment that is happening all around you, and may well happen to you one day. If you get run over today and you break your hip, you will […]

Small Group Leaders: This Is Different

If you’ve been a small group leader, or a part of a small group, you know that they sometimes can be sort of hit-and-miss. When it comes to to small group curriculum, some are engaging and inspiring. Others leave something to be desired. What makes Joy Starts Here different from other small group studies your […]

"We Want to Bring Joy to Our Church"

Conrad Beaulieu volunteers with Life Model Works to help manage our marketing. When we asked the volunteers and staff of Life Model Works why they will be at the 2015 Annual Gathering, here’s what he said: Sharing Joy and the Immanuel Approach are a revolutionary and effective means to change ourselves and the culture of […]

How a New Identity Can Help Others

The other day three members of the Life Model Works team were talking when an interesting idea came up. One of our key volunteers, Conrad, was talking about how he and his wife Lori come alongside struggling families. They work together to teach them using Life Model principles like those we train at Thrive until […]

Discover How to Spread Joy in 2015

At Life Model Works, we have a dream: Joyful Christians. Joyful Churches. Transformed World. Dreams are nice, but they don’t accomplish much. That’s why we also have a plan. When we say “we,” that includes you, too! We are prayerfully gearing up to make 2015 our biggest year yet. We have audacious plans to spread more […]

Saturday: Live Q & A with Dr. Jim Wilder!

You want to live with more joy, otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this blog. I realize that starting joy can sometimes be complicated. Maintaining a joyful culture in your marriage and in your church community is even harder. That’s why, on Saturday at 10AM PST, I’ll be hosting an hour long Q & A phone […]

Why We Give

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. A time to throw a log on the fire and have family close by. Here is a touching story of how one family enjoys the feelings many associate with Christmas more often because of their connection with Life Model Works. When it comes to appreciating and enjoying […]