Always Happy to be With You

walking in the rain with umbrellas

A friend told me yesterday that “sometimes, God’s not funny.” I had to think about that, and there have been many times in my life when I have agreed with that statement. Usually when God’s not funny, it is because I’m in the middle of a struggle or painful situation where some sort of suffering […]

Five Skills You Need to Stay Joyful in 2016

Imagine if you could sustain your joy all year long? In this free webinar, Thrive Trainer and Life Model Works Director Chris Coursey will introduce five key brain skills that anyone can develop. You will: Hear how you can rediscover your peace and joy after the busyness of the holidays! Make 2016 the year you […]

There's a Little Time Left to Register…and Change Your Life!

Thrive Completely Changes Lives In one week at Thrive, you’ll have the chance to dig deep into the most crucial (and often, most overlooked) skills for life! You and a bonded partner will spend one week practicing key relationship skills based drawn from brain science and scripture. Gerry and Karen, were fighting constantly before attending […]

Joy in Literature for Your New Year

The world is full of books, and those books are full to the brim with quotes. As the new year begins, many people chose a new mantra to carry them into the new months.  Here are some of our favorite ones about our favorite topic: JOY! Use them as inspiration to live a joyful life […]

Top Ten Posts of 2015

We’ve had a lot of posts this past year. Here are a few highlights: our most popular posts of 2015! Centrality of Joy: Jesus and Pixar’s Inside Out Read more Imagine my surprise when I found out Jim Wilder, founder of Life Model Works, and co-author of their book, Joy Starts Here, is also a major […]

Special Year End Call You Won't Want to Miss

People like you are the reason Life Model Works is spreading joy throughout the world! Because of you, we’ve brought the Joy Starts Here! Conference to eight cities, brought joy to help married couples at Joy Rekindled marriage retreats, provided in-depth training at two incredible Thrive events and were even able to send Jim Wilder, […]

Don’t Miss Your Last Chance to Spread Joy in 2015

You made 2015 a record-breaking year for Life Model Works. We were able to bring the Joy Starts Here! Conference to eight cities, including our largest event ever! We were able to help married couples experience new depths of relationship at Joy Rekindled marriage retreats. We provided in-depth training in the US at two incredible […]

It's time to show our appreciation for you

  We have one final special thing on our list for 2015. This is the last chance to give before the end of the year, and to show our appreciation for your support, if you become a monthly donor or become we would like to invite you to a very special, invitation-only webinar with founder Jim Wilder and CEO Jim Martini on December […]

Feeling God's Feelings

Kim Campbell with be the special guest on tomorrow’s Roundtable conversation about Immanuel Moments. Register here! This post captures one of his favorite Immanuel comments. One of the fondest Immanuel stories I can recall is from one of my favorite activities – sitting on the couch, looking out my front window when I (and the dog) are the […]

Don't Miss the Last Roundtable of the Year!

Tuesday, December 15th will be the last Roundtable JOYstream of 2015. The topic is Living the Immanuel Lifestyle. Our guests will be Life Model Works board member and Immanuel Trainer Kim Campbell, as well as John and Sungshim Loppnow and Anna Kang, Immanuel Trainers and the authors of Joyful Journey. This talk will focus on sharing joys from walking with and learning from […]

Listen and Give

Listen Now: A Vision for Generosity with Dr. Jim Wilder Did you miss today’s call with Dr. Jim Wilder? If so, you can listen in here. You’ll hear about 2015 has been an amazing year; and all the opportunities we have to spread joy coming in 2016. We also want you to know that it’s easier […]

The Beauty is Calling You Back!

Throughout the month of November, we’ve featured posts that help you grow in your ability to express appreciation. The following is an example from Joyful Journey co-author Sungshim Loppnow’s Immanuel prayer journal. Good morning Jesus! I sit with you this morning and enjoy some quietness. In the place of quietness like this, I notice a particular […]

Christmas Call With Dr. Jim Wilder: A Vision for Generosity

Join Dr. Jim Wilder as well as Life Model Works CEO Jim Martini for a special conference call on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 11 CST. Jim Martini will share about how 2015 has been one of the best years ever for Life Model Works. Dr. Wilder will guide participants in a time of Immanuel Prayer […]

Immanuel Interactions to Springboard Your Day

Continuing our November series about gratitude and appreciation, enjoy this post about Immanuel Interaction from Life Model Works volunteer Wendy Winpigler.   Gratitude to God:  I am grateful for my religious freedoms.  I’ve always had them and what a gift.  It’s all I’ve ever known.  It’s like a mini taste of what being in your […]

Holiday Bundle – the perfect gift

Even if you’re still boycotting Christmas music and decorations until after Thanksgiving, it’s time to start thinking about gifts. Our holiday bundle is the perfect medley of books to introduce your family and friends to the gift of Joy Starts Here. Includes: Share Immanuel This 21 page, full color booklet is the simple and attractive […]

A Month of Gratitude

  This month, we’re focusing on gratitude in anticipation of Thanksgiving. Gratitude brings us to a place of peace and shalom. This post is from our writer John Loppnow. Interactive Gratitude Father, I am grateful to have you.  To have you as my Father who grounds me in your love and goodness.  I feel my […]

From Korea: Training Hundreds in The Life Model

The visit with Onnuri Church with Jim Wilder, Ed Khouri and Karl Lehman Onnuri is one of the 25 megachurches in South Korea with a weekly attendance over 40,000 people. We were invited to present their annual recovery conference and launch the publication of Living From The Heart Jesus Gave You in Korea. In spite […]

Free Ebook: Life Transforming Small Groups that Keep Bringing People Back

Over the last 30 years, small group ministry has gone from a cutting edge idea to a staple at the center of many churches. But are these groups really transforming lives? How do you even keep people around long enough for life transformation to take place? Dr. Jim Wilder has worked with small groups in […]

Don't Miss – Roundtable Joystream with Dana Hanson and Kent Larson

We were not created to be alone.We were meant to do life with others.We were made for community. It is essential for us to thrive.Have you ever wondered how to create a joyful small group in your area? Join us Tuesday, October 20th at noon PST for a special Roundtable Joystream with Dana Hanson and […]

Connexus Super Deal!

The world doesn’t need more churches. It needs the body of Christ to spread his joy around the world. Connexus will teach your congregation to experience and spread the joy of the gospel. This 24 week program combines scripture, spiritual formation and science to convert your congregation into a force for transformation. Struggling to experience […]