The world doesn’t need more churches.
It needs the body of Christ to spread his joy around the world.
Connexus will teach your congregation to experience and spread the joy of the gospel.
This 24 week program combines scripture, spiritual formation and science to convert your congregation into a force for transformation.
Struggling to experience joy? Connexus: Restarting will teach you brain-based relational skills that bring you closer to God and others.
Already full of joy? Connexus: Forming will guide you through grounding your joy in an interactive and healing relationship with God.
Finally, these two groups will unite for Connexus: Belonging, where they will learn ho to be a joy-filled force for transformation.
Begin your transformation by bringing Connexus to your church today!
Forgiveness & Church Hurt Part 1
By Jim Wilder If forgiveness means saying, “That’s OK” to things that aren’t OK then none of us should forgive. Forgiveness is not about pushing