How One Fighting Couple Finally Became Friends

Several years ago Gerry and Karen were living in a marriage full of pain, loneliness, and at best peaceful co-existence. Time after time most conversations would end in anger that caused distance and hopelessness.

Gerry and Karen were trying to parent many children and to operate a business. They tried their best to look good to their church and the world around them.
They had read books, gone to conferences watched DVDs and attended communication workshops. Despite their effort, all of this information based counseling left them unchanged.

How the Life Model was Different

Then they began studying The Life Model and discovered there was more needed in a person’s life than explanations or information for healing and growth.
They saw that God designed their brains to have relational skills. These skills can only be learned from one human to another. These skills were weak or non-existent in their lives.
They also learned that had gaps in their maturity. When there was pressure in their marriage or family life, they would respond at a very young maturity level. They needed to heal and grow in areas of their lives that should have developed as they grew up.

A Changed Marriage

Gerry and Karen attended their first Thrive Training and began the brain training journey. As they have continued with Thrive training, their marriage began to change. In fact, it changed so much that their two oldest sons’ and their wives noticed the transformation and completed all of the Thrive Trainings themselves. The four of them plus Gerry and Karen, desire to attend Track Three again together.
Gerry and Karen still have difficult moments, but they don’t go on for days anymore. They are becoming friends. They can talk about things that used to be, “too hot to handle.” When ruptures happen, they can recover in much shorter time spans. They are learning to become their unique persons who can now have adult level relationships.
Through the Thrive training, Gerry and Karen are becoming the mature and healed people that God made them be and they are seeing their entire family becoming transformed as a result. They finally found something that led to substantial, lasting change and growth in their family; change that is affecting every relationship around them. They are experiencing great joy as they watch their grandchildren being raised with secure parents that are practicing and growing in joy and relational brain skills.
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