by Ed Khouri

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
-Proverbs 29:18

I often hear this verse misquoted to explain the importance of articulating a clear and compelling
vision for people to follow. Immature leaders with vibrant, personal charisma are especially at risk of
misusing this verse. Viewed in context, the original word translated as vision refers to the kind of
revelation that comes from God. The weight remains in His hands. It’s not about motivating others to
fulfill a compelling vision—it’s about articulating a clear revelation from God. To be led by God in our
leadership means being purposeful in making room for Him to share His heart for us and the
kinds of things He’d like us to join Him in.

The relationship and revelation required to lead must flow from here. This type of revelation only
comes from spending time quieting with God—listening and connecting to him. Doing so promises us
joy, wisdom, comfort, and direction. It is the source of vibrant, sustainable ministry.

Without relationship and revelation, we are like children on a playground merry-go-round.
Staggered by the dizzying spin of needs and weighty g-forces of ministry demands, we struggle to lead.
Burnout happens when the misplaced weight of what we carry exceeds our capacity to stay
connected with God and others.
Carrying weight that doesn’t belong to us is the very picture of
Codependency. Slowing down to quiet and connect with God and His people helps shift The Weight of
Leadership back to Him.

Find out more in my upcoming book, The Weight of Leadership: “How Codependency and Misplaced Mercy Undermine Life” and Ministry, in late summer 2022.

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