The Top of Dr. Jim Wilder's Year

Annual Gathering is the top of my year. People have always been the center of the Life Model. We write books that people tell us they need. We find out what we need to do next at our Annual Gatherings.
Most of what makes an impact on the world is not done by the Life Model Works staff.
Not that we are sitting around, rather it is the people who come to the Annual Gathering, collect ideas, meet like-minded people, ask us questions, soak in the latest expressions of the creativity around us and then go out and create some action where they live and visit.
Annual Gathering also is the place where a lot of people come for the first time to hear about the Life Model. Sometimes they come because you invite them. The most common thing we hear is, “If I had known what this was going to be I would have invited five more people I know.”
This year we are making a special effort to make the Annual Gathering easy for new people.

Not the same old thing

Each year there are a few people who come to Annual Gathering expecting to hear the same thing they have always heard. They expect to have the same worship, the same program format as most conference, the same scripture quotes and reach the same conclusions they have always reached.
A few people come thinking that they are attending a large healing conference and will receive a powerful impartation.
The rate of transformation and learning at Annual Gathering is a little too fast for that. I hate seeing people getting triggered or rattled so if you invite someone let them know they will be visiting some new territory.
The last two years the Annual Gathering has taken off with a momentum of its own. So many people are taking what they are learning and changing their lives and communities that we cannot keep up.
We don’t actually plan to keep up because we like to equip existing networks with the skills to thrive and then let you run with it! We do intend to stay ahead of you with the development that is both simpler to use and understand and breaks new ground.

So what can you expect at AG16?

You can expect to meet people who have passion for life like you have.
You can expect to see the world in new ways and with new potentials.
This year you will have a deeper look at the economic, social, racial and historical factors that have large parts of our society breaking apart. You will a glimpse of how radical identity develops and how we can build protectors instead.
You will certainly wish that every pastor and leader you know is there with you. Mostly, you will find that the path to peace and joy stays open and clear and your companions on the road are the people you will want to stay in touch with and see again next year.
That is how Annual Gathering is for me.

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