Joy-Plants Becoming an Invasive Species

On the bottom of my website, you will find a statement about my Life Coaching that says I “utilize philosophies from Life Model Works”. You will also discover the concepts of joy and relational skills woven through my entire business. Every client I meet with, every group I run- I am implementing, practicing, and teaching these concepts.
I was really excited the other day to learn that a group member of mine has been invited by her church to teach on JOY and Immanuel Journaling at a 2-day conference. Another client of mine has also taken these skills and started teaching them at events. His excitement about the concepts we teach is contagious!
It’s pretty amazing to see the domino effect that all started here at Life Model Works.
It reminds me of the extended story of the seed.
You’ve all heard the parable of the seed right? Jesus tells it like this,

 “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”

In my mind right now, I’m picturing a young Jim Wilder on good ground when the seed of the Life Model was planted in his heart. That seed grew, and produced a plant we now call Life Model Works. That plant is producing some delicious fruit that has even more seeds inside of it.
Every time someone new comes along and eats of that fruit, they are now partakers of seeds. Those that have ears to hear and understand begin to see seeds grow in them, and soon they too produce fruit.
The people in their sphere of influence see that fruit and come and taste for themselves… and more seeds are planted, more plants are grown, and more seeds are spread!
The cool thing is some of these plants are growing all over the world now! We’re all about making “joy plants” become an invasive species.
Doug and Wanda Morgan, (Life Model Works board members) recently went to Brazil to teach “Joy and Appreciation” classes at a YWAM base. Wanda’s just as excited about these seeds as I am. Here’s what she had to say,

“The leaders here are embracing what the Life Model has to offer to heal
trauma, facilitate addiction recovery, and build joy filled lives.
Conditions are ripe here for growth. Knowledge of the Life Model and the
application of Life Model principles are spreading.”

Jim Wilder is planning a trip to Germany. He will be training churches in three regions for how to help refugees to deal with trauma so they can make a better adjustment to European life! Can you imagine the fruit that will come from that?!
Chris Coursey has also been taking seeds around the globe as well. I sent him an email just now asking him to fill me in on his travels and without mentioning the subject of my blog, and this was his response:
“This year I have traveled to YWAM in Jeju, South Korea and YWAM in Daejeon, South Korea along with 2 retreats in Fort St. John, BC Canada, THRIVE in Austin, TX and a marriage retreat in Kewanee, IL.
One of the most exciting things about these trips is to see how Immanuel becomes a reality for people as they start joy with each other and with God. There is hope and excitement in these folks as they realize they can hear and perceive God’s interactive presence. Many seeds have been planted that can lead to an abundant Kingdom harvest as people walk out what they have learned and practiced. It really is a joy!”
How cool is it that he and I are on the same wavelength with this seed discussion?! 
So, how about you? Are you spreading seeds, growing plants and producing fruit from something you learned from Life Model Works? We’d love to hear your stories! Maybe you’re a living example, or maybe you’re teaching others.
Maybe you’d like to be able to be a part of the broader, global seed sowing. Did you know that you can partner with Life Model Works through donating financially in order to help send these seeds far and wide. The Life Model Works ministry is not just about selling products that teach people. It’s about touching lives with the joy of the Lord. Donations are a large portion of how we can take this message overseas.
I encourage you to donate to Life Model Works and help the Joy Plants continue to become an invasive species!

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