Joy Starts Here! Is Coming to a City Near YOU!

One of the most exciting moments of the 2015 Annual Gathering was our opportunity to make an important announcement:

Joy Starts Here is coming to a city near you!
Throughout 2015, the authors of Joy Starts here will be sharing about this life changing material all across the United States, including:

  • Los Angeles, June 5 & 6
  • Detroit, June 12 & 13
  • Washington D.C., June 26 & 27
  • Atlanta, Aug 14 & 15
  • Kansas City, Sept 25 & 26
  • Orlando, Oct 9 & 10
  • Seattle, Oct 16 & 17

Tickets are available today!

Join the Fearless Following

Be one of the thousands becoming full-brained, wholehearted followers of Jesus. We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest developments, opportunities, and resources!