Maturity: The Key to Joyful Missionaries

This story describes how two missionaries in Estonia have used The Life Model Works resources.
When we moved to serve as missionaries in Estonia in 2012, we had little idea what we wanted to do beyond helping those who are emotionally wounded and bankrupt.
With no clue how to do that, we began serving in a local church.
It soon became clear that this church wasn’t functioning as a hospital for people’s souls. So we started to ask questions and to pray. A few months in, a good friend introduced us to the Life Model, and to Jim Wilder.
Through the Life Model Books, such as Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You and Joy Starts Here, as well as through the Munchies recordings, we discovered what the church was lacking. We lacked it ourselves!
It was joy!

Growing Slowly

We took our time and let the joy build in us and our relationships. Slowly we watched as God miraculously transformed us and matured us. Bitterness, unfair expectations, and selfishness melted away as Jesus filled our lives with joy.
Now, we are focused on building high joy environments and spreading joy anywhere God would take it here in Estonia. That starts at home, as there are five of us living in our apartment, and we are experimenting with how to create a joy-filled community that does life together.
Our door is always open, and we have a seemingly constant stream of visitors. They come to share and experience a little bit of the joy that we have received from Jesus.

A More Mature Mission

Thanks to The Life Model, we matured far beyond where we were when we arrived. With greater maturity has come our a greater capacity to love, which has been truly wonderful. Perhaps most importantly, our growing maturity has helped us understand that what we do is not what gives you worth in the eyes of God!
Our worth comes from simply being restored to who He created us to be. That is a truth that sets you free!

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