As we head toward Thanksgiving, I wanted to share an Interactive Gratitude journal entry that I wrote down during one of our Joy Starts Here city events this year. It meant so much to me that I have shared it since during many subsequent events.
Jim to God: I’m grateful for all the volunteers that make these events possible and for the fun encounters I have with many of them and for doing work that moves me so deeply and matters so much.
God to Jim: I love seeing you so alive and excited about what you are doing. I love your enjoyment of the people that are joining and contributing to this movement. I put that excitement in you. You were born for this.
And a few more entries that came to mind as I prepared this post:
Jim to God: As this year comes to a close, I am grateful for all the people I was able to meet, work alongside, and minister to indirectly. I’m grateful for all the people that worked so hard to host events and to those that hosted us in their homes. I’m grateful for new friends and for being a part of something that makes such a difference in the world.
God’s response: Jim, it has been a grace-filled year. The ball has moved forward. I see you smiling, and I’m sharing that smile. I love it when we share gratitude and smile at each other.
Jim to God: Thank you for all of those that came alongside the ministry with financial contributions. We couldn’t have done it without them. I am so grateful for their participation in this important work.
God’s response: I see you smiling and feeling safe and encouraged about the year ahead. I know how much each of these people mean to you and how important their gifts are. I’m glad to celebrate them with you.
Creating an Oasis of Peace in an Imperfect Church Community
By Terri Sullivant I have always loved these verses in Psalm 107 (NIV): 29 He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the