Three Streams of Joy Come Together at the 2016 Annual Gathering

The 2016 Annual Gathering—RARE Community: Developing a People of Trust, Joy and Engagement—is the headwaters of three streams that I find very exciting. We know that the topics of the Annual Gathering can become active streams of joy, growth and change from our experience last year with Joyful Journey. We introduced the simple yet revolutionary Immanuel prayer journaling tool last year, and we have seen its flow.
The results of its spread across the world are amazing! You who came to the gathering became an amazing stream. Here are the three streams I’m excited about:

RARE Leadership: A Stream for Pastors and Leaders

The most visible stream is RARE Leadership, a book resource that has major contributions for pastors from megachurches to inner city house churches. Our editors at Moody along with the leadership trainers we have asked for endorsements agree that this book really is something new.
For years you have asked us, “which Life Model Works event should I bring to my pastor or church members?” This is a strong place to start. The book RARE Leadership book is good, but the impact will come as each person at the Annual Gathering soaks in the meaning and takes this book out to the world. This is going to be an active stream.

Passing the Peace: A Stream for Responding to Disaster and Loss

The second resource is Passing the Peace (current title), a small booklet on how to respond after a disaster or loss. This booklet makes helping people after a death, crime, flood, war, tornado, refugee relocation, terrorist act or earthquake a simple Christian action.
This essential resource is needed for inner cities where people are exposed to losses along with anyone in tornado alley, on a disaster response teams or even helping their grandchildren with a loss. Through the Annual Gathering you become part of the team spreading the word of how to restore peace. We are going to make it really easy to help us reach the people who need to know. Your church and community can use Passing the Peace.

The Fun of Generosity: A Stream for Everyone

Our third stream comes with a booklet called The Fun of Generosity. As we have been asking you to support Life Model Works we have realized that many of us react in unjoyful ways to talking about money.
Rather that feeling like someone with a quarter in a candy shop and wondering what part of the world we might change with that quarter, we often feel more like people at an armed robbery. Seeing this reaction across so much of the Christian sector, as well as how most pastors struggle to ask for money and that people struggle to give has revealed a huge need for healing.
If we are going to be “joyful givers” and restore the fun of giving something has got to change. Not only will this booklet bless your socks but your pastor might just give you a hug along with anyone whose organization needs to raise funds.

Joy is Possible!

How do we let them know that joy is possible? The stream that spreads this joy begins with you and at RARE Community we are going to make it easy to be a part. We have the books, booklets, teachers, trainers and speakers but you are the streams in the desert.

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