Three Chances to Hear Ed Khouri on the Radio!

You can hear Ed Khouri, co-author of Joy Starts Here on an upcoming episode of Beyond Abuse Radio.

Ed will introduce many of the ideas from Joy Starts Here. He will also provide a framework for some of the concepts in Connexus, the Life Model Approach for Churches.
Here’s the description of the 1st episode which you can listen to here:

Addiction changes the brain. Getting free from addiction is a challenging process because it requires breaking deeply ingrained patterns of the brain and creating new ways of thinking, acting, and relating.
Ed Khouri, addiction specialist with The Life Model, will share the first steps to breaking addiction behavior, coming to terms with the cost of addiction, how addictions hijack the attachment center of the brain, and skills needed to increase the capacity of our brains to process the trauma that is often the underlying cause of addiction. Ed’s work in addiction recovery led him to understand that BEEPS (Behaviors, Events, Experiences and Substances that help regulate emotions, reduce pain or increase pleasure) take over the attachment system in an attempt to replace relationships as the source of joy.
By dealing with the force behind all addictions, Ed Khouri and the Thriving program allow people with many different forms of addiction or codependency to recover together. Ed now works training people globally to help others become free of addiction and live in joyful community.

Episode 2 description:

Relationships are the stuff of our deepest pain and joy.  They can leave gaping holes that cause great vulnerability to addiction, and they are also a large part of healing addictions.  Ed Khouri shares a fascinating piece of research that links trauma through early attachment problems to dopamine receptor density that affects the ability to regulate pain, pleasure, and emotions.  That sets the bar for the level of relational joy in people’s lives.  Propensity for addiction increases radically when relational joy is low.  What can be done to increase our joy bonds?  Lots!  Join Beyond Abuse Radio as we explore the connection between addiction and attachment and catch the hope for healing.

The 2nd episode will air on October 23rd from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Pacific Time, and the third is on October 30th, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Pacific Time. After the initial broadcast, episodes will be available here.

Listen to Ed

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