What Karl Lehman and Others are Saying About Joyful Journey

The reviews for Joyful Journey keep rolling in. Here are a few of them:

joyful journey book cover“This small book presents creative new tools and exercises to help you do the Immanuel approach on your own. There’s still no substitute for working with a facilitator (and I strongly encourage you to find a way to do this on a regular basis); but these tools and exercises activate many of the same neurological circuits and are wonderful complimentary resources. These tools and exercises will help you embrace the Immanuel lifestyle during your everyday life between the times when you have facilitated sessions.”

Karl Lehman MD

“This profound petite work and its initial reflection on Hagar’s heart, invites us into the most joyful life journey that we can ever embark on. In three simple but significant steps it facilitates us into the deepest desire of David’s heart, which was to dwell in God’s presence all the days of his life. It takes us from growing an attitude of interactive gratitude to thinking God’s thoughts, journaling them and sharing them with ourselves and others. The consequence of a commitment to implement the above as a lifestyle is shown to be transforming through the renewing of the mind by the Spirit. I highly commend this work, the authors and their desire to see us all living in the healing presence of Father God!”

Dr. Bruce Thompson
International Dean Emeritus,
College of Counseling and Health Care, University of the Nations

“I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
The desire of Jesus is that we thrive in life! In Joyful Journey, Listening to Immanuel, we are reminded of this great promise and offered a spiritual formation process that will serve as secure scaffolding for building lives that are full and where Christ is free to be at home in our hearts. I am convinced that our crusty, fearful hearts can indeed be transformed and filled with His joy and peace as we learn to connect with the “Living One who sees us,” and experience his lavish love through the regular practice of sharing gratitude and aligning our thoughts with His. Even more, extending this experience beyond ourselves to both home and community can ignite what Elton Trueblood called an “incendiary fellowship,” where the fire of God’s presence and love can transform our churches and cities as well!

Sam Warren
Minister of Care and Growth, Oak Hills Church San Antonio, Texas

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